OS/2 eZine

16 July 2000

Christopher B. Wright is the Editor in Chief of OS/2 eZine, a title he tried to duck for many months with little success. When he's not working on OS/2 eZine (what? he's not supposed to have any other jobs!) he works on his web comic strip, Help Desk.

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From the Editor

One of the problems with starting over is that, in the mad scramble to put the infrastructure of OS/2 eZine back in to place, a lot of important news that we should be reporting on winds up slipping through the cracks.

A perfect example of this was WarpTech... WarpTech was an important event in the OS/2 world, and I was itching to cover it... instead, we barely managed to discuss it after it had already happened. Unfortunately, WarpTech was "happening" at the same time that OS/2 eZine was being beset by, then recovering from, its many problems. I personally believe that WarpTech deserved a lot more coverage than we gave it, and intend to see to it that next year, we cover it a lot more closely.

There is, in fact, a lot in the OS/2 world we've neglected to cover... OS/2 eZine has almost always been about software reviews and "how-to" articles... which are useful, don't get me wrong, but they're certainly not the only things going on in our community. What we've lacked, in fact, has been a coverage of the news, the day-to-day goings-on in our community.

WarpCast does this to a certain extent... WarpCast is a great way to learn about breaking news. It is not, however, necessarily the best tool for learning more about that news after it breaks.

So much information goes unreported, largely because tracking down and talking to people about events in our community is much more difficult than simply downloading a piece of software and giving it a spin. Our community suffers for that... there have been a lot of things happening in recent months... events that, if you were reading only OS/2 eZine, you would know nothing about. Of course, chances are slim that OS/2 eZine is your only source of information, but the fact remains that for a while we've been taking the easy way out when it comes to covering the OS/2 online community.

Hopefully you've seen some indications of change over the last few issues. We now have a regular column covering the happenings in the OS/2 newsgroups on Usenet. In the coming months I hope to add more "news beats" that will report on events in other parts of the OS/2 community.

Of course, all of this depends on whether or not you, the reader, would actually be interested in any of that. What kinds of news do you think OS/2 eZine should cover? Post your ideas in the feedback forum.

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