OS/2 eZine

16 July 2000

Christopher B. Wright
Editor in Chief

Mark Dodel
Ben Dragon
Simon Gronlund
Steve Harris
Richard R. Klemmer
Christoph Vogelbusch

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From the Editor
One of the problems with starting over is that, in the mad scramble to put the infrastructure of OS/2 eZine back in to place, a lot of important news that we should be reporting on winds up slipping through the cracks. [more]

Wright's View
"IBM VisualAge for Java: Idiot-Savant at Large." Minus the "Savant" part. [more]


Odin Adventures
Richard R. Klemmer installs the latest build and takes a look at what it can -- and can't -- do. [more]


Warpstock 2000
Mark Dodel, one of Warpstock's organizers talks up this years Warpstock, giving you all the latest and greatest news. [more]

Creating Native OS/2 Software
Christoph Vogelbusch looks at the ins and outs of porting software to OS/2 from other platforms, and focuses on creating native Open Source applications for OS/2. [more]

OS/2 Newsbeat
Steve Harris takes a look at some of the more interesting threads on Usenet. [more]

OS/2 and Home Networking, Part 3
Ben Dragon continues his series on getting OS/2 and Windows to talk to each other on a home network. Part 3 of a series. [more]

Into Java, Part 7
Simon Gronlund returns with the seventh installment of his Java tutorial. [more]

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