The following are the companies that made this issue possible.
RSJ Software
The successful software CD-Writer for OS/2 by RSJ. CD-Writer is suitable for backup, data filing, creating Audio CDs etc. and is compatible with most CD-Recorders.
NetOp - A cross-platform solution to remote-controlling any PC from anywhere in the world.
ScheduPerformance, Inc.
Dramatically improve performance on your OS/2 system now with the patented priority scanning logic and visual priority identification of Priority Master II.
Perfect Niche Software
Smack! The easy to use, fast, intuitive and fun software for all your labeling needs in OS/2
Prominic Technologies, Inc.
On-line sales & solutions for VisualAge, DB2, OS/2 Warp, Workspace on Demand, Notes/Domino, AIX Firewall, and Net.Commerce (design/hosting). The best deals on IBM and Lotus software and hardware (PCs, Servers, and RS/6000s) -- with OS/2 preloads!
BMT Micro
Your complete source for over 175 of the best OS/2 shareware applications available. Drop by today and check out our WWW catalog or download the .INF version.
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