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How can we improve OS/2 e-Zine! ?
We're growing and improving all the time but now it's your turn to tell us what you want to see.
OS Wars - Brad Wardell
Brad Wardell, founder of Stardock Systems, discusses what was, is and what might be in the operating system battlefront.
MP3 Authoring in OS/2 - Lief Clennon
Forget RealAudio, MP3 is the hot new audio format on the Internet. Leif Clennon gives us a primer on how to create your our own MP3's with native tools.
GRADD: Technology of the Week or the Future? - Colin Hildinger
OS/2 has always suffered the fate of the "kid brother" when it comes to current device driver availability. IBM hopes to change that with its GRADD technology. Colin Hildinger examines whether they've hit the mark.