We would like to extend special thanks to the following readers who have made significant contributions in the past year. It is partly due to these people that you are reading this magazine today:
Michel Slivitzky | Ralph Cohen | Michael Shillingford
J. McMillan | Vicky Stables | Dennis Hayes
Scott Allen | Patrick Gaerlan | Lexington Strategic Associates
Gerry Ryan | Ingo Guenther | Steinar Johansen
Myron Prociak | Charles T. Nardino | Randall Davis
Gregory Mobley | Lutz Lennardt | Brian Smither
James Marshall | Robert Danvers | Nicky Morrow
John L. Martin | James Gorman | John Heinrichs
Larry Tawa | Michael Barkley | Yasunobu Takagi
Fred Pomeroy
|  | |
Sui-wai But
Henry A. Harrington | Andrew Hamm | Uffe Hersberg
Jimmy Teo | Howard C. Russell | Robert Young
Seppo Lehikoinen | D. Yarrow | Rick Farwell
Wim Teughels | John Arbuckle | Steven W. Haws
Jason Nielsen | Zoltan Bokeny | RD6 Inc.
Bifrost Enterprises | John J. Cupak | Martin Rawson
Martin L. Oline | George Trojaner Roessel | Greg Benson
Theodore F. Gray | David H. Little, Jr. | David J. Burtness
Randy Cushman | Simon Gronlund | Lee Heppner
Kim Cheung | Health Care Dimensions | Vance Houston
Eoin Woods | Bob Evers | Buster Davis
Bruno Bruni | Michael Andersen | John A. Luff
Phillip Miller | Ron VanAbrahams | Anton Callaway
James Custy | Jon Kimball | Bobby J. Quibodeaux
Christopher B. Wright | H.P.A. Horsman | Tim Howey
Philip H. Sheedy | Marcus de Geus | Matthias Seidel
Daryl Richard Coons | Olivier Jacquemard | C.J.P. V.Buijtenen
Magnus Olsson | Carl B. Ford | Claus Schroeder
Kaakinen Teijo | Lee J. Pearson | Terry Kayser
Alexander Ling | Jack Bowling | Kevin Newman
Iain Mason | David Eckman | Steve Corwin
John Kesson | Glover Stewart | Reiner Wiechert
Frank Skoglie | Allan G. Dallas | Alan Tholen
Ivan Meadows | Øyvind Meistad | Phil Hermann
Scott Starker | Dick Henry | James C. Allen
John Melcher, Jr. | Herbert C. Anderson | Cornelius J. M. Driessen
Erik Bracke | Richard C. Nelson | Jean-Pierre Lardant
Names appearing in the top section of this list are readers who have sponsored for more than one year in a row. Names in bold represent especially generous sponsors.