The staff and contributors of OS/2 e-Zine! would like to extend special thanks to the following readers who have made significant contributions in the past year:
Dr. Ronald E. Wyllys | Michel Slivitzky | R. Edgar Scrutton
Ralph Cohen | Michael Shillingford | J. McMillan
Vicky Stables | Dennis Hayes | Scott Allen
Patrick Gaerlan | Lexington Strategic Associates | Gerry Ryan
Ingo Guenther | Steinar Johansen | Myron Prociak
Charles T. Nardino | Randall Davis | Brian Smither
Robert Danvers
|  | |
Joseph Pena | David Butt | Andrew Choi
Lutz Lennardt | Teruel de Campo | Daniel & Barbara Riordan
Jim Lewis | James Marshall
Nicky Morrow | Jeanine Bouchard | John L. Martin
Ulbe Renema | John R. Craven | Ronald L. Sutton
John Heinrichs | Seymour Lampert | James Gorman
A. Q. Thurston | Larry Tawa | Michael Barkley
Barton Milligan | Brent Harris | Mark Dodel
Yasunobu Takagi | Fred Pomeroy | Sui-wai But
Henry A. Harrington | Andrew Hamm | Uffe Hersberg
Jimmy Teo | Howard C. Russell | Robert Young
Seppo Lehikoinen | D. Yarrow | Rick Farwell
Wim Teughels | John Arbuckle | Steven W. Haws
Jason Nielsen | Zoltan Bokeny | RD6 Inc.
Bifrost Enterprises | John J. Cupak | Martin Rawson
Martin L. Oline | George Trojaner Roessel | Greg Benson
Theodore F. Gray | David H. Little, Jr. | David J. Burtness
Randy Cushman | Simon Gronlund | Lee Heppner
Kim Cheung | Health Care Dimensions | Vance Houston
Eoin Woods | Bob Evers | Buster Davis
Bruno Bruni | Michael Andersen | John A. Luff
Phillip Miller | Ron VanAbrahams | Anton Callaway
James Custy | Jon Kimball | Bobby J. Quibodeaux
Christopher B. Wright
Names appearing in the top section of the table above are readers who have sponsored for more than one year in a row. Names in bold represent especially generous sponsors.