t's time once again to check out the latest news that affects OS/2 gaming and gamers. Each month we scour the 'net and hound ISVs to provide you with a digest of all the events and updates in the OS/2 gaming market, complete with helpful links. Enjoy!
Combat 2000
In the spirit or Defender 2000 and Tempest 2000 from Atari (both are killer Jaguar games), Holohaus Software is creating Combat 2000. If you ever had an Atari 2600 you know what it's about -- kill or be killed, it's just that simple.
Entrepreneur Demo Released
If you're not a part of the Entrepreneur beta test, you can download a demo from Stardock which will allow you to play games against other people on the Internet via STARDOCK.NET. STARDOCK.NET lets Entrepreneur players get together and start games over the Internet. This is similar to the interface that comes with Diablo for creating games and shows that Stardock is serious about getting into the big leagues with Entrepreneur. If you are a beta tester, make sure you have the latest version from Stardock's web page.
MAME for OS/2
OS/2 will be getting a port of another really cool emulator. MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) plays lots of classic arcade games. Look for it soon.
OS/2 Battleship Game v1.0 with Source Code
Whether you're an aspiring VAC++ programmer or just want to play some Battleship, this little program might be worth checking out. Unfortunately, it only seems to be available via CompuServe (from the OS/2 Developers 1 and VACPP forums), but I'm sure someone will upload it to Hobbes soon.
PlusPak: B.U.G.S. Demo
Following up last month's release, Jeppe Cramon has created a demo version of PlusPak: B.U.G.S. It's available from Stardock's web page, so if you haven't got PlusPak: B.U.G.S. yet, check it out.
Solar Systems Releases Stellar Frontiers Version .7 to Testers
Work is progressing nicely on Stellar Frontiers. Instead of calling it beta 7, they've called it version .7, but I guess that's a sign that they're getting close to release. This game is looking like it will be a great network game. It's being written by Solar Systems and published by Stardock.
As always, for the absolute latest news, always check the Ultimate OS/2 Gaming Page, and if you know something that you think I don't, let me know!
Colin Hildinger is an Aerospace Engineering senior at Oklahoma State University and has been using OS/2 for the last 3 years. In addition to being the Games Editor for OS/2 e-Zine! , he maintains The Ultimate OS/2 Gaming Page and the AWE32 and OS/2 Page in his "spare" time.