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Answers from e-Zine!

Welcome back to "Answers from e-Zine!, your source for answers to all your OS/2 questions! Each month we bring you tips, tricks, questions and answers from our readers and contributors. If you've got a question or tip you would like to share with us, send it in!

Q -- Is there a way to see how much storage space the Warp CD player uses for storage of CD titles and play lists? And if so, is there any way to edit that file to remove CD titles that I do not currently have?

A -- Sure. The file \MMOS2\CDP.INI holds all the information for the CD Player; it's a normal OS/2 binary INI file, so any INI editor should work. (UniMaint from SofTouch includes one, and there are a number of shareware ones available on hobbes.) The application looks to be the "CD volume ID"; keys are numbers 1 - the number of tracks (value = track title), "IMMCDDiscTitle" (value = CD title), "IMMCDDiscProgram" (binary byte string containing the track playing order, not null-terminated), "IMMCDDiscResumePosition" (optional, I don't know how to interpret the value).

Of course if this seems to be a little too much for you, you could just rename or delete CDP.INI and retype all the information. Of course, the time you'd spend retyping all the CD titles could be spent learning how to use an INI editor which might come in handy in the future.

- Brandon S. Allbery

Q -- We received two different Zip drive questions this month:

I have installed the Iomega ATAPI Zip drive on my Warp 3.0 system. The OS2V2344.exe file available from the Iomega FTP site does not mention this installation in the documentation. The drive works if I dual boot to DOS or boot from a floppy session but without drivers, I can't use it in OS/2.

What can you tell me about the IBM file system drivers to allow me to use a SCSI Jazz or Zip drive? How do they work? (i.e. not the cumbersome Iomega driver way with mounting and unmounting and all that.)

A -- Well the short answer to both questions is that there is a great FAQ on using removable media under OS/2 available on the web.

Unfortunately, there is currently no support for ATAPI Zip drives, so they're to be avoided if you need one that functions under OS/2. There will be ATAPI support in the future, but how near that future is is not certain.

As for mounting and unmounting, that is unfortunately a fact of life using HPFS. You must unmount a drive to flush the buffers when changing disks. You shouldn't, however, have to mount when using IBM's NEWDASD driver.

- OS/2 e-Zine! Staff

Tip -- Many people have complained since the release of Warp 4 about the lack of a means for the user to change the default multimedia associations. Probably the most annoying one is the association for image files. Thanks to Practice Corporation, we now have a means changing the default association for images. There is a small program available from their web page called primgfix that allows you to change this behavior.

- OS/2 e-Zine! Staff

Q -- What files can I remove from OS/2 Warp 4 if I only want to do dialup networking and do NOT want to do any LAN networking?

A -- Well, this isn't an uncommon question. It's probably best answered in by Brian Proffit as he did in PC Magazine on pg. 376, of vol. 16, no. 6 (March 25, 1997). Luckily for you, it's also available from PC Magazine On-line.

- OS/2 e-Zine! Staff

That's it for this month. If you have a tip or question that you don't see covered here, don't forget to send it in!

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