The IBM Technical Interchange | - by Rollin White |
Each month, OS/2 e-Zine! invites a prominent member of the OS/2 community to share his or her opinions, experiences and stories with our readers. Knowing that Rollin White, Relish Product Manager at Sundial Systems, would be attending IBM's premier OS/2 conference and exhibition last month, we invited him to join us as our guest in the "Celebrity Corner" for this issue.
He willingly agreed and, with notebook in hand, set out to St. Louis to record the events and surprises from this year's TI. The following is his exclusive "Man on the Floor" report for OS/2 e-Zine!.
The IBM Technical Interchange
St. Louis, MO.
May 11-15
Each year, IBM hosts a week long technical conference, the Technical Interchange (or TI), focusing on key IBM technologies and products. Historically, this was an OS/2 only event. In recent years that focus has changed to include AS400, RS6000, and S/390. This year was no different.
The TI consists of three main parts -- the exhibit hall, conference sessions, and the social events. The exhibit hall had a better ratio of OS/2 vendors to non-OS/2 vendors than last year, however, it was much smaller than previous years so there were fewer OS/2 vendors total.
After Mason was Irving Wladawsky-Berger, General Manager of the IBM Internet Division. I have to give him credit -- his speech seemed to be much more well thought-out than a typical IBM executive's speech. It was also evident that it was from the heart and not from a speech writer. The focus of his speech was the market forces driving the global move to doing business on the 'net, such as internationalization, individualized access to information, shortened product life-cycles, and the increase in the at-home work force.
Finally, Steve Mills, General Manager of the IBM Software Solutions Division, gave his talk. Instead of a speech, he used the opportunity to announce a new product called Component Broker. It was a typical IBM product announcement that included a good dose of video clips featuring customers singing the praises of the new product. One character on the video could not have hid the fact that he was reading from a cue card if his life had depended on it. The audience got a chuckle out of this.
The bad news was that OS/2 was only mentioned once in the entire opening session and that was in describing the availability of Component Broker (after NT of course).
The people that visited our booth that evening were really into it. They wanted to soak up as much information on OS/2 and OS/2 applications as they could -- always a good feeling! This was a nice counterbalance to the disappointing opening session.
Of the several sessions I attended, the best was on NetRexx by Mike Cowlishaw. For those who don't know, Mike Cowlishaw is the creator of Rexx, and now NetRexx. There was something awe-inspiring about hearing him explain a design problem he faced in NetRexx, and then the elegant solution he came up with. Several people in the back of the room could be heard saying, "He's good. Real good."
Also, during the entire week, IBM offered free testing for all of their certification programs. In the past I have avoided the certifications (for no particular reason), but this year I decided to see what I could do. The tests were all 60-75 minutes long and had about the same number of questions. There were a lot of strange, poorly worded, or unusual questions, but I fared pretty well.
BlueBird is the IBM code name for one of their Network Computer (NC) projects. Select people at the TI had a preview of Bluebird and their reactions varied from, "nothing new," to, "it raised the hair on the back of my neck," (in a good way). The disparity of reactions seems to follow the wide range of interest in Java. Bluebird is relevant to OS/2 users because it is based on OS/2. However, when IBM touts it, there is not one mention of OS/2.
On the final evening of the conference, I was very pleased to be introduced to Mr. Kohichi Yoshinaga. Each year in Japan, IBM also hosts a Technical Interchange and Mr. Yoshinaga was personally responsible for making sure the name of that event was "IBM OS/2 Technical Interchange". As my friend Marty Cawthon said, some people at IBM say they are committed, others show they are committed.
I was unable to attend the closing session, but the focus was on the coming era of the Network Computer. Several friends who attended noted how different the visions of the IBM and Lotus speakers were -- despite the fact that they are now the same company. Happily, Mike Lawrie, General Manager, IBM Personal Software Products Division, mentioned OS/2 a lot in the closing session, even if Jeff Papows, the president of Lotus, didn't.
[Our Sponsor: Mensys - The one place to go in Europe for all OS/2 Warp software.]
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