March '97 Reader Survey Results
What did we learn from last month's OS/2 e-Zine! Reader Survey? Plenty!
Some of the results of our survey are pretty much as we (or you) expected, but your answers to a few questions surprised us. Last month we asked, "What type of machine do you run OS/2 on?"
Answers were accepted from March 16th until April 13th and any duplicate or mangled e-mails were discarded. We had a total of 2,821 readers send us valid replies to our questionnaire and the results were as follows:
Number of CPUs
No surprises here. We would have been stunned (and jealous) if the numbers in this category hadn't been overwhelmingly biased towards single-CPU systems. Our own systems struggle by on just one CPU and our survey results reveal that 97.3% of our readers' systems are identical in that regard.
OS/2 Version
We found your answers to this question a bit shocking -- we knew that Warp 4 was popular with OS/2ers but honestly would have expected to see a larger portion of our readers sticking with good old Warp 3. This turned out not to be the case, however, with the vast majority (76.8%) of our readers reporting that they had moved on to Warp 4. Four readers (.2%) were still chugging away with OS/2 v2.x.
Type of CPU
This question definitely produced the most even spread of answers from our readers. Our survey results indicate that while the majority of readers are using Intel chips of some kind (72.2%), a surprising number (12.7%) of you choose systems with the Cyrix 586 or 686 chips. As you might expect, the largest single group in this category (by a slim margin) was readers using Pentium 120/133 chips (19.6%), but what we want to know is: who are these lucky 204 people (7.2%!) using Pentium Pros?
Amount of Memory
Also in the "not surprising" category this month is the amount of RAM our readers have installed on their systems. The largest category, 32 Megabytes, weighs in at 39.1% of our readers. However, there are also a fair amount of readers with 64 Megabytes (19.2%) and somewhere between 33 and 63 (15.3%) as well. And let's all extend our sympathy to those 47 brave souls (1.7%) who are using OS/2 with only 8 to 12 Megabytes. <g>
Don't forget to fill out our questionnaire this month (it's on the next page) and check back in May for complete results!
Complete Survey Results
Number of CPUs
Category | Count | Percentage |
1 | 2,745 | 97.3% |
2 | 53 | 1.9% |
More than 2 | 23 | .8% |
TOTAL | 2,821 | 100.0% |
OS/2 Version
Category | Count | Percentage |
2.x | 4 | .2% |
Warp 3 | 650 | 23.0% |
Warp 4 | 2,167 | 76.8% |
TOTAL | 2,821 | 100.0% |
Type of CPU
Category | Count | Percentage |
Intel 486 | 449 | 15.9% |
Pentium 120/133 | 553 | 19.6% |
Pentium 90/100 | 520 | 18.4% |
Pentium 200 | 64 | 2.3% |
Pentium 150/166 | 248 | 8.8% |
Pentium Pro | 204 | 7.2% |
Cyrix 486 | 35 | 1.2% |
Cyrix 586/686 | 357 | 12.7% |
AMD 486 | 166 | 5.9% |
AMD 5x86 | 105 | 3.7% |
Other | 120 | 4.3% |
TOTAL | 2,821 | 100.0% |
Amount of Memory
Category | Count | Percentage |
8-12 Megabytes | 47 | 1.7% |
13-15 Megabytes | 2 | .1% |
16 Megabytes | 285 | 10.1% |
17-23 Megabytes | 102 | 3.6% |
24 Megabytes | 148 | 5.2% |
25-31 Megabytes | 15 | .5% |
32 Megabytes | 1,102 | 39.1% |
33-63 Megabytes | 432 | 15.3%
| 64 Megabytes | 542 | 19.2% |
65-79 Megabytes | 7 | .2% |
80-96 Megabytes | 82 | 2.9% |
97-127 Megabytes | 11 | .4% |
128-256 Megabytes | 42 | 1.5% |
More than 256 Megabytes | 4 | .2% |
TOTAL | 2,821 | 100.0% |
[Our Sponsor: Perez Computing Services - Makers of Ctrl-Alt-Del Commander and IPF Editor.]
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