Object Desktop Tips | - by Alexander Antoniades |
Since its initial release, Stardock Systems' Object Desktop has been among the best selling OS/2 applications in the world. Many OS/2 users enjoy greater productivity thanks to Object Desktop's helpful features.
Something many users don't know, however, is that there are many undocumented or often overlooked features of Object Desktop that can make your OS/2 system even more productive and fun to use. We've gathered together a few of them to share with you here.
In order to do this you simply have to open the Master Setup object in the Object Desktop Professional folder and then go to the "data file defaults" page. From there un-select the "Automatically view when identified" option. Now every data type that has an associated file extension or extended attribute will automatically load the associated application when you double click on it.
The Class Editor is one of the less talked about, harder to find pieces of Object Desktop Professional. What the Class Editor allows you to do is actually modify the class table of either the Workplace Shell itself or any selected Object Package.
To call up the Class Editor, simply right click on the Object Inspector in the main Object Desktop Professional folder and select "Class Editor View" under the "Open as" menu. This will bring up a modifiable list of the Workplace Shell classes registered on your machine (GIF, 11.4k). From this interface you can add and remove object classes from whichever class registry you're editing.
I must caution you, if you don't know what a class does the best thing that you can do is not alter it in any way. That said, by reading most class names and the descriptions accompanying them you can often find classes on your systems that have been left by programs you've either removed or that were installed with OS/2 but you don't use. A perfect example of this is the Advantis dialer, which is used instead of SLIPPM.EXE (Dial Other Internet Providers) to hook up to IBM's Advantis network. This program has five classes associated with it that are totally useless if you don't have an Internet access account with Advantis. These are the first classes that most people delete.
That's a quick backgrounder on the Class Editor one of the harder to find features of Object Desktop Professional. Next month we'll get back to regular version OD and talk about some of the other goodies hidden in there.
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