It's Just No Good | - by Henk de Jong |
Dear Sir,
Stop with your publication.
You publish about OS/2.
But OS/2 is bad for almost everybody.
The biggest disadvantage is that it offers the customer too much.
OS/2 works fast and effectively.
The user can still work with his old DOS programs.
Without memory problems! Even on a network.
He doesn't need memory managers.
His old DOS programs give him almost the functionality of Windows programs.
He can copy and paste to any other application, including OS/2 programs.
That is why he doesn't buy new applications (unless they give the functionality of OS/2 applications).
That means no business for a lot of developers.
No upgrades every year.
And what about the Press?
They don't know anything about OS/2.
What should they write?
And the retailers?
No upgrades for operating systems or applications every year.
And if there is an upgrade, retailers can only sell a microphone for Voice Type.
OS/2 is terrible for business! It offers too much in its basic form!
The possibilities with Windows are much better:
The user can start with Windows 3.1.
Then the customer notices that he can not use his old DOS applications on a network.
He doesn't have enough memory. He buys a memory manger.
And new Windows applications.
The retailer sells and installs them.
The press writes about them.
After a while the customer notices that he gets General Protections Faults.
And if DOS goes down, his whole system goes down.
He buys Windows 95.
Nice interface isn't it?
The Press says so.
It has to be true. The Press wouldn't lie.
But he doesn't understand the new interface.
He takes several courses. Finally he gets used to Windows 95.
And he can plug and play with new hardware.
He buys new hardware every week to exercise.
Then he notices that his old Windows programs still give the same problems.
Or even don't run any more.
And he buys new software again. Now Windows 95 software.
Real "32 bit". Everybody says that's the ticket.
Good for the Press. Good for the retailers.
Good for everybody in the business.
What more do you want?
After a while he notices he still has a lot of problems.
The General Protection Fault is still there, but it has another name.
And he buys Windows NT.
He buys a new PC with a Pentium Pro and a special expensive motherboard.
And at least 64 MB.
And, of course, "real Win-32 multi-threaded applications", because Win95 applications had their limitations.
A little bit expensive but you need it for Windows NT, right?
And he is satisfied for a while.
But eventually he notices that the new "Win95" interface is not very good. It doesn't work for him.
But no problem, there is a new Windows 97 with a newer interface.
That will be better.
It has to be very nice. The Press says so.
And Bill Gates says so.
And every owner of Microsoft stock says so.
You see, Windows is good for business.
So don't advertise too much for OS/2.
Because we have to keep the customer dumb.
Imagine if OS/2 becomes a real success in the consumer market.
Imagine if the price of Microsoft shares dropped to the level they were really worth!
All those billionaires losing 95% of their money!!
(Even IBM employees have Microsoft shares.)
Do you want to be responsible for that disaster?
So stop writing about OS/2.
Please give Windows 97 and Windows 99 a chance.
Keep the market penetration of OS/2 under 10%.
Several managers of IBM will be pleased to help you.
And wait three years.
That is early enough for Operating System/2(000).
Copyright © 1997 - Falcon Networking-
[Our Sponsor: EmTec Innovative Software - OS/2 ISDN, modem and telnet software.]
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