Editor's Note: this article replaces our regular "Networking with OS/2" column. Brian L. Juergensmeyer will return next month with his regular feature.
any of you have dreamed of it for months, if not years. Industry mags have at times heralded it as the saviour of the Internet and at other times condemned it as just another well-hyped bandwagon: Internet access through your cable TV hookup.
This month, we take an in-depth look at setting up a cable modem for Internet access with OS/2 Warp: what is required, what to expect and much more...
Trevor Smith is the editor of OS/2 e-Zine! and a long time Internet aficionado. From his early days wishing for a CompuServe account (before they came to Canada), to his days playing with university 'net connections, he has dreamed of T1 speeds in his home.
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