HTML-Ed v0.94b | - by Chris Wenham |
TML-Ed is a beautifully small and elegant little program that, like a Yorkshire Terrier, packs a lot into a tiny package. As a professional Web designer who swears away from most HTML editors like they were tools of the devil, this one won my heart and my registration money for a few simple but excellent reasons.
Not only that, but it's written in C, meaning fast execution time as well. This is a far cry from other HTML editors that are written in Visual REXX. They're not bad, but the operating system must load the huge VROBJ.DLL file which is nearly a megabyte in size. Also, REXX is an interpreted language, is designed for simple scripting and prototypes, and is not really optimized for speed. It's the OS/2 equivalent of Visual Basic for Windows.
For example, I emphasized keyboard driven just by pressing Ctrl-e. HTML-Ed inserted the <EM> and </EM> tags and positioned the cursor between them, ready for me to type. Alternatively, I could have just highlighted the text I wanted to emphasize with the mouse (or keyboard, using the Shift, Ctrl and arrow keys) and then pressed Ctrl-e.
It makes me faster than I was with System Editor, not only because the program itself is fast, but because the interface lends itself to fast HTML coding.
"Okay," you say, "The program's only 60K and it includes all the routines for loading .GIF and .JPG images, backgrounds, formatting, forms, fonts and all other features of a high-end graphical web browser? Something funny is going on."
When IBM designed the WebExplorer, they put the main browsing engine into a set of .DLL files (Dynamic Link Libraries) and used a standard API which they then made available to programmers. What HTML-Ed does is load these .DLL files to provide its built-in previewer. It only loads them on demand (when you hit the "Test!" option on the menu) so it doesn't slow down the program's load time. This also means that any time Web Explorer is updated to a new version, so is HTML-Ed's previewer! You can test the latest HTML tags and features of WebExplorer (even Java) and never have to wait for a new version of HTML-Ed to become available. It's one programmer's smarts taking advantage of another company's design wisdom.
Since it uses WebExplorer's guts to provide this previewer, you can also follow links around your pages to make sure they're all in working order. It all happens in seconds, with no need to wait for the whole Web Explorer to load.
By the way, look for this trick being used in other products as well. The Internet Adventurer (still in Beta, but available on hobbes for download) uses the WebExplorer DLL to provide its own web browser. IBM's own NetComber does the same thing, as do a few other web browsers still in beta testing. This is a stroke of genius on IBM's part, since any developer can make a better browser interface and not have to build a complete browser engine from scratch.
HTML-Ed packs an assortment of useful gadgets that HTML jockeys often need. It can convert all uppercase tags to lowercase, or vice-versa (useful for keeping a uniform style). It can also convert all "\" characters to "/" characters. It can even strip all HTML tags out of a file completely, for when you need to give someone an ASCII version of your page.
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