BMT Micro
Your complete source for over 75 of the best OS/2 shareware applications available. Drop by today and check out our WWW catalog or download the .INF version.
ChipChat Technology Group
ChipChat produces excellent 32-bit OS/2 software for wireless text paging
and state-of-the-art multimedia Sound Cards for Micro Channel PS/2 computers.
EmTec Innovative Software
EmTec Innovative Software produces state-of-the-art OS/2 ISDN, modem
and telnet communications software. OS/2 Magazine and Inside OS/2 1995
award winner.
Indelible Blue
Indelible Blue, a mail order company, provides OS/2 software and hardware solutions to customers worldwide.
Post Road Mailer
The Post Road Mailer is a high performance, 32-bit, email program with drag and drop filing, printing, shredding, word wrap and multiple MIME attachments.
Use REXX to build powerful Internet utilities using our DLLs. Package also includes 10 utilities as samples.
Mt. Baker Software
Developers of "Money Tree", a full featured personal financial package
for OS/2.
ScheduPerformance, Inc.
Patented priority scanning logic and visual priority identification give you performance and control.
Shenandoah Equipment Co.
Providers of lifetime warrantied name brand simms, laptop and printer memory at competitive prices.
SPG Inc.
Creators of ColorWorks for OS/2 - The Artist's Ultimate Power Program! ColorWorks has earned both the 1995 OS/2 Magazine Editor's Choice & the 1995 OS/2 Professional Magazine Best New Product Awards.
Readers Who Have Sponsored:
The entire staff of OS/2 e-Zine! would like to extend special thanks to the following readers who have made significant contributions.
Dr. Ronald E. Wyllys | David Busby | Stephen Boileau |
Quentin Z. Whiplinger | Gregory Mobley | Ian W. MacKee |
Christopher A. King | Michel Slivitzky | Dennis J. Tuchler |
Robert Griswold | Wm. Bradley Read II | R. Edgar Scrutton |
Mike Quinn | Ralph Cohen | Robert D. Miller |
Jan Schatz | Michael Shillingford | J. McMillan |
Vicky Stables | Dennis Hayes | Scott Allen |
Craig Sawers | Axel Webers | CLC Innovative Designs Ltd. |
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