How to Install/Uninstall Programs in OS/2 | - by Paulo Mario Moraes |
As I give support to other Warp users back in my hometown, and try to fix their mess (and mine), one thing I often note is that inadequate installation or configuration of OS/2 programs is somewhat common among new users. That's why I'm writing this article: I know how important it is to correctly install applications on your system. If you're new to OS/2, keep reading. If you already have some (or a great amount of) experience, excuse me if this is a little elementary.
If you're using OS/2, chances are that you're using more shareware applications than commercial packages right now. Because these tiny little shareware (and freeware) programs don't use one standard installation process (like MS software, for example, although their installation programs aren't very straightforward either), the way you set them up may differ from one application to another.
Some applications just require you to copy the unpacked files to a local directory. Others use their own installation program to do this for you. Of course, since you don't know which type of application you're dealing with before you uncompress a ZIP file and read the documentation, you should always unpack the program in an empty temporary directory, preferably on an HPFS drive. And if the archive uses the ZIP format, use Info-Zip's Unzip utility, if you have it. Unzip can deal with long filenames and extended attributes, which is sometimes vital information to a program.
After unpacking the ZIP file's contents, read the documentation before any attempt to install the program. This should be obvious anyway, since you must agree with the shareware's (or freeware's) License Terms before using the application. The readme will usually give you some directions on how to install the product.
If the program only requires you to copy files to a new directory, copy 'em and you're ready to go. If, besides copying the files, the program also requires you to modify your CONFIG.SYS file, do this and reboot before trying to use the program.
Programs most likely to register (create new) WPS Classes are those that create new templates, file types, special objects on your desktop, etc. (Black Hole, for instance, has its own WPS Class, which is registered upon installation). Also, some programs actually modify existing WPS Classes. Examples of these programs are some desktop and folder enhancers (like Extended Desktop, an IBM Employee Written Software product).
The problem is, some installation/uninstallation programs which automatically copy files to another directory, actually don't put the install/uninstall program in the destination directory. Result: if you remove the archive contents from the temporary directory where you unpacked them, the uninstall program is gone.
Because of this, and although it may sound a bit awkward, it's useful to have a copy of the ZIP file containing the application backed up somewhere so you can unpack it again in a temporary directory, execute the uninstall program, let it find the application on your hard drive and prompt you to remove it.
If the application didn't come with an install/uninstall program, you will have to edit your CONFIG.SYS, removing any entries related to the application (if you remember which ones they are), shut down, reboot and then delete the files (and any program object(s) that were created). It is important to update the CONFIG.SYS file and reboot before trying to delete the application's files or directories, because OS/2 will complain when you try to delete certain files that are still in use by the system or another application. When you reboot with the updated CONFIG.SYS, (hopefully) those files will not be in use any more and can be deleted.
A manual uninstall might also require you to clean up the OS2.INI file or the WPS Classes. The procedures to do this are explained below.
But remember: OS2.INI is shared by lots of applications and by the system itself. Don't remove or edit ANY entry if you don't know its meaning or purpose.
Some tools that let you deregister WPS Classes are infoPM (a set of benchmark and system analysis tools) and (HaWi's) ClassBrowser. However, because WPS Classes are a critical point in the system, try to follow this guideline: avoid installing a program (especially if you know it'll modify the WPS Classes) that doesn't come with an uninstall option. Managing WPS Classes on your own can be very tricky and dangerous, and possibly leave your system in an inoperative state.
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