We've also reviewed various desktop add-ons. As usual, we've taken a look at both commercial and shareware options in an attempt to bring you the best of both worlds. Read on!
Exploiting the Workplace Shell - Jim Little
If you really want to get the most out of OS/2 and the WPS, you need to think about things a little differently. Find out all about document-centric computing a-la-OS/2 and more!
Desktop Enhancers - Chris Wenham
Chris takes a look at some popular WPS enhancers and what they can do for you.
Vanity in the Workplace (Shell) - Chris Wenham
Take two: Chris tells us how he used the WPS's considerable flexibility and some well placed enhancers to create the ultimate desktop--his "drooltop".
Workplace Shell Backup v4.01 - Stephen Turk
A look at a shareware alternative for desktop backup and restoration.
Desktop Security - Trevor Smith
A look at two desktop security programs, the shareware Workplace Security v2.0.5 and the commercial Kid Proof/2 from Pinnacle Technology. What do they do and how do they compare? We tell you!
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