Reviews: File Managers
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Are you one of those users who just can't shake the Windows way of doing things and still manipulates his files with a buttonbar or file menu? Have faith, there are many native OS/2 applications designed to suit you, from freeware to shareware and commercial.

While the WPS allows intuitive and flexible file and object manipulation, it can occasionally be a little sparse for those who need a lot of information. For example, some users like to know at a glance how many files are in a folder, or the total size of the files selcted, or want to be able to archive files with point and click simplicity. All this and more is handled by most of our review products this month.

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DirMaster v2.22 - Arne Haaje

FileStar/2 v1.0 - Tom Kulaga

FM/2 v2.38 - Steven Atchue

Mr. File PM v5.2 - Chris Williams

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