Coming up next time- on the Web December 31, 1995


Word ProcessorsIn-depth reviews of the major OS/2 word processors and a few you might not have heard of.
FTP ClientsGet a glimpse of what's hot and what's not in the world of FTP.
GamesIBM's Family FunPack for OS/2 and MicroLearn's GamePack II
BooksOur reviewer unleashes Warp Unleased.


Why Will Warp Succeed?A follow up to this month's article on why Warp isn't ready for prime time.
What do you mean, hard?A rebuttal to all those nay-sayers who insist on trashing Warp's installation program.
ISDN BluesThat 14.4 got you down? Do you have a hankerin' for some real speed? Why not try ISDN with Warp. Our reviewer did. . .


Dan PorterCome and hear what the President of Innoval Systems Solutions has to say. A candid discussion on the Post Road Mailer, Surf n' Rexx, and, of course, the future of OS/2.

All the regular stuff

The Rantsthe Beta File
The Ravea NEW REXX Column!
Your LettersHeath's Tips

What Else?

What else would you like to see covered in the next issue? It's not too late to let us know!

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