Coming up next time | - on the Web December 31, 1995 |
Word Processors | In-depth reviews of the major OS/2 word processors and a few you might not have heard of. |
FTP Clients | Get a glimpse of what's hot and what's not in the world of FTP. |
Games | IBM's Family FunPack for OS/2 and MicroLearn's GamePack II |
Books | Our reviewer unleashes Warp Unleased. |
Why Will Warp Succeed? | A follow up to this month's article on why Warp isn't ready for prime time. |
What do you mean, hard? | A rebuttal to all those nay-sayers who insist on trashing Warp's installation program. |
ISDN Blues | That 14.4 got you down? Do you have a hankerin' for some real speed? Why not try ISDN with Warp. Our reviewer did. . . |
Dan Porter | Come and hear what the President of Innoval Systems Solutions has to say. A candid discussion on the Post Road Mailer, Surf n' Rexx, and, of course, the future of OS/2. |
The Rants | the Beta File |
The Rave | a NEW REXX Column! |
Your Letters | Heath's Tips |
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