CONTENTS | December 1995 | Volume 1 Number 2 |
- THE online OS/2
Welcome back to the Internet's premiere site for news, reviews and information on everyone's favourite 4-byte operating system. We hope you enjoy our second issue.
Feature Review: Object Desktop
- Pros -
- Christopher B. Wright examines Stardock's latest offering to see what all the fuss is about. An overall look at some of the best features of OD with plenty of screenshots.
- Cons -
- Edward Crouser takes the negative and speaks out about what's wrong with OD and how it could be improved.
- Other Alternatives -
- Steven Atchue takes a look at some smaller, less hyped products and compares them to OD on a per feature basis.
- Galactic Civilizations v1.07 -
- Our crack reviewer, Chris Wenham, re-examines the game that started it all. A close look at the the original GalCiv.
- Star Emperor Advanced -
- Edward Crouser does double Stardock duty and gives us a peak at the enhanced version of the game Stardock included in the IBM Family FunPak.
- Card Games for OS/2 v2.7 -
- Mikael Engdahl looks at a suite of nine solitaire games for OS/2 that make Windows' Freecell look like it's playing with only half a deck.
HTML Editors:
- HTML Wizard v1.51 -
- J.R. Link looks at the first of three HTML editing solutions.
- WebWriter/2 v1.01 -
- Heath Phillippi examines another WWW document editing application.
- HTML Extensions for EPM v0.98 -
- Trevor Smith rexamines a faithful old editor brought new life by add-in HTML capabilities.
- OS/2 Warp for Dummies -
- Chris Williams has a look at a marketing phenomenon and asks, "Who are you calling a dummy?"
Brad Wardell -
A casual conversation with Stardock's CEO and resident evangelist on GalCiv v2.0, Object Desktop, IBM and the future of OS/2.
The Memory Issue -
How much RAM is enough? Can you ever get enough? What exactly can we expect as we upgrade our legacy machines? Chris Williams answers these questions and more through personal experience and trial and error.
Developer's Connection CD ROM's -
A look at IBM's resource for programmers by Stacy John Behrens.
Using OS/2 as a Scientific Platform -
The author of HTML Wizard relates how he has come to rely on OS/2 in an academic environment.
Kali for OS/2? -
John D. Reinhold wants to know if anyone can play with him. And you don't even have to come outside.
Odds & Ends:
Some Nifty OS/2 Links
Our Editorial Policy
How to Subscribe to OS/2 e-Zine!
How YOU can Sponsor OS/2 e-Zine!
Coming up in the next issue
A special holiday bonanza
featuring more interviews,
reviews, and some new
regular columns and
We need your help! We want to continue to improve the quality and quantity of articles in these pages. We also have plans to begin publishing bi-weekly, but to do this we need more contributors. If you are interested in writing for OS/2 e-Zine!, let us know!
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