/* Starting a DOS VDM with specific settings */ /* Load the REXXUTIL library functions */ rc=rxfuncadd('SysLoadFuncs','RexxUtil','SysLoadFuncs') call sysloadfuncs /* Set up some variables */ WindowTitle="DOS VDM" /* Change as appropriate */ Class='WPProgram' /* This is a Program object */ Location='' /* Used for transient objects */ /* Set Program to the path of the DOS executable */ Program='EXENAME=f:\os2\mdos\command.com;' /* Set type to WINDOWEDVDM to have the program run in a DOS window, or VDM to have it run in full screen mode */ Type='PROGTYPE=WINDOWEDVDM;' /* Windowed DOS session */ /* Set Startup to the startup directory you want */ startup='STARTUPDIR=c:\;' /* Here's where we set the program settings. Set to whatever you need, separating multiple settings with commas. Use 1 for ON and 0 for OFF settings Look at the settings notebook for a DOS object to see all of the possibilities. */ Settings='IDLE_SENSITIVITY=100;' /* Now make it go */ open='OPEN=DEFAULT' rc=SysCreateObject(Class,WindowTitle,Location,, /* The 2nd comma is a continuation */ Program||Type||Startup||Settings||Open,'replace') /* to the next line. */ Say "rc:" rc Exit /* End of program */