the Rave: NeoN 3D Demo Tape

It's no secret to those that have seen it that NeoN 3D is an amazing program. It's an animator's dream and it runs native on an OS/2 machine. It's been garnering great reviews everywhere it goes.

But what about those who haven't seen it? Well those without US$800 that are eager to see what NeoN can do are in luck. Team Computer, makers of NeoN, have produced a short six and a half minute video showcasing some of the software's abilities.

As unorthodox as it sounds I've really got to rave about this demo tape -- it's just that cool!

The tape came to OS/2 e-Zine! 's offices compliments of Indelible Blue and we eagerly popped it in the VCR and had a look. Chances are if you've ever gone to a computer show, you've seen a similar tape. It's filled with endless virtual worlds and rendered "lifeforms". It's really quite amazing. But seeing such a tape and "oohing" and "ahing" at a show is one thing; realizing that these scenes were generated on an OS/2 machine, very possibly just like the one on your desk, is quite another.

Of course this demo tape isn't going to make casual users run out and drop $800 to buy NeoN 3D, but it might do a few other things. It might make casual users investigate the much lower priced (about US$80) NeoN Lite. It might make a really cool demo for your local users group or your OS/2 retail store. Or it might just make non-OS/2 graphics professionals sit up and take notice -- of OS/2 and NeoN as a serious contender. This stuff is absolute top quality animation. The tape even includes some pieces that appear to be scenes animated as advertisements for European Television stations (customers of Team Computer's?).

While this video is relatively short and not an "instructional" video (it shows what NeoN does, not how it does it), it really will amaze all who see it, from the uninitiated to the high end animation professional. Starting out with a strange ghost figure on screen and some equally bizarre music effects that made us wonder if it was a demo or a B Grade horror movie, the tape quickly jumped into nonstop rendered and animated, tanks, insects, clocks, bouncing balls, gears, generally weird stuff and so on. And the sound track got much better too.

Anyone wanting to purchase the video in North America can call Indelible Blue at (800) 776-8284. (At the time of this writing they were still adding it to their ordering system but by the time you read this, they should have it sorted out.) The tape sells for around US$20 but IB has told us they will provide a free copy to resellers who wish to carry NeoN GRAFIX 3D. Resellers should contact FutureSource at (888) 522-3000 or (919) 878-3951. European customers should contact COMPO Software directly, who handles distribution in Europe for Team Computer.

 * NeoN 3D Demo Tape
by Team Computer

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