The response from inside: notes to an Infidel

Trevor and I both approached the beginning of August with intense trepidation. As 08/01 got closer, we exchanged e-mail speculating on whether, and how badly, we were both going to get flamed. I am pleased (and quite relieved) to say that I didn't receive a single negative letter. (Of course, this month's installment may change all that.)

Someone named "Ron" sent me mail I need to answer, but since his return address was "email_user_id@email_address" it was rather difficult. I would appreciate another letter with a valid return address. (The gist of my answer is "It wasn't you", but I'd like to substantiate that.)

One woman asked me why none of my advertisements targeted women. Well! Never let it be said that I was not fair: I'll make fun of anyone. So, Rebecca, just for you:

OK, is there anyone else I've left out?

Chris (and a couple of other people) wrote to say he liked the link to Elle MacPherson (sigh). I guess sex really does sell. I won't always be able to fit funny links into every article (though I'll do links when they make sense) but I'll try to put a small list of favorite links at the end of the article just to make sure there's something worth reading. So here they are:

Here's a link to make you laugh.

Here's a link to make you cry.

Here's a link to make you think.

Here's a link to make you wonder.

Here's a link to make you mad.

Here's a link to pictures of a pretty girl. (Sorry, Rebecca, you'll have to find your own cheap thrills. I'm not that fair.)

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