As the editor of OS/2 e-Zine! I don't mind writing articles but there are a couple reasons why you should think about contributing.
First, although I can write passably, I can't write as much as I would like to publish. The amount of information about OS/2 and related products waiting to be shared with readers is too vast for one person to ever report all of it. Also, there are a lot of events and developments in the OS/2 world that I may not hear about as soon as you do. You can help make OS/2 e-Zine! a better publication.
Second, while I enjoy doing review articles, one person's opinion and review style would probably get a little overdone after a while. I also can't claim to have opinions that are always popular so since this is a publication for the masses, we need your opinions and contributions.
And don't forget that our eventual goal is to turn this publication into a profit enterprise (paid for by relevant and reasonable advertisers). When this happens, we will be paying our contributors. That's a while down the road, but if we find good, or better yet, good and regular writers now, we will definitely be looking to them first for contributions in the future.
So drop us a note and have your words read by thousands of readers worldwide!
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