Coming up next time | - on the Web November 30, 1995 |
WPS Enhancers | We take a close look at Stardock's commercial hit, Object Desktop, and how it compares to other entries in the OS/2 add-on market. |
Shareware | More reviews of your favourite - and some new - shareware applications. |
Games | A review of Galactic Civilizations and upcoming features of the new GalCiv II. |
Books | OS/2 e-Zine! jumps into the book review business. |
The Memory Issue | How much RAM is enough for OS/2? How much is good? What ever happened to those $1 a meg predictions? |
Brad Wardell | We speak to Stardock Systems' resident evangelist about Object Desktop, Galactic Civilizations II, 8 new OS/2 products and the future of OS/2 software. |
The Rants | The Beta File |
Your Letters | Heath's Helpful Tips |
What's New with OS/2? | Internet Resources |
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