Welcome to Chris Wright's offbeat take on the computer industry -- Help Desk.
Help Desk is a weekly cartoon strip brought to you by OS/2 e-Zine! and guaranteed to make you laugh. Each week, you'll find Chris' latest creation right here and each month, we'll reprint the previous three week's strips plus the latest one in the pages of OS/2 e-Zine!. So sit back and hold on to your funny bone...
- December 11 - The Master Plan, and a Potential Flaw.
- December 4 - Indoctrination Techniques.
- November 23 - They weren't using this anyway.
- November 16 - Enter, Government, Stage Right.
- September 18 - We don't buy from these people anymore.
- September 11 - Alex Seems to have a One Track Mind.
- September 4 - No, Really. This Actually Happened to My Brother.
- August 28 - This Happened to my Brother Once.
- August 16 - Beyond Vapor.
- August 16 - A Critical Omission.
- August 16 - Smoke, Mirrors, and Behind the Green Curtain.
- August 16 - Smoke and Mirrors.
- July 24 - Justifying the Unjustifiable.
- July 17 - A Failure to Communicate.
- June 26 - Aftermath.
- June 19 - A Battle of Giants.
- June 12 - Meet the press.
- June 5 - Meeting the Enemy.
- May 29 - In this corner...
- May 22 - Interesting Developments.
- April 24 - The Scientific Method.
- April 17 - Citing your sources.
- April 10 - Any resemblance to actual events is strictly intentional.
- March 27 - Feedback and Fallout.
- March 20 - New Name.
- March 13 - Idle Gossip.
- March 6 - Logos and Lawyers and Names (Oh My)!
- February 27 - Retribution.
- February 20 - First Day at Work (Day Five).
- February 13 - The Light Dawns (Day Four).
- February 6 - Training, Day 3.
- January 30 - Training, Day 2.
- January 23 - Training, Day 1.
- January 16 - A Professional at Work.
- January 9 - Brushing Up.
- December 19 - A Rose By Any Other Name.
- December 12 - 73 Differences.
- December 5 - Minor Details.
- November 28 - The Obvious, Illuminated.
- November 21 - Alex Explains Software Licencing.
- November 14 - Software Stress Testing
- November 7 - How to get FREE software
- September 12
- August 29 - Alex gets promoted.
- June 27 - The Boss.
- June 20 - Help Desk Mission Control.
- May 27 - Worst-Case Scenario.
- May 21 - The perils of the Internet.
- May 13 - Apples and Oranges defined.
- May 6 - MegaSoft, Marketing, and You.
- April 29 - Guttenberg's Dillemma.
- April 22 - Stop paying attention, just listen to my voice.
- April 15 - A witty punchline, and foreshadowing of Tales to Come!
- April 8 - MegaSoft suffers cruelly from unscrupulous villians.
- March 31 - Alex is at a loss for words.
Christopher B. Wright is a technical writer in the Northern Virginia/D.C. area, and has been using OS/2 Warp since January 95. He is also a member of Team OS/2.