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July 1, 1997 Announcements

ZD University course on Rexx.

A while back, I posted a message to let you know that ZD University planned to offer a REXX class, based on our book _Teach Yourself REXX in 21 Days_.

ZD University still wants to offer the course. We still want to teach it. However, a minimum of 300 students are necessary -- and only 200 have signed up.

The course is given in an "online forum" format, where students and instructors post messages. You don't have to worry about time zones, or about your erratic work schedule. Just log in a couple of times a week and post your questions (and homework!).

The class costs $5 a month -- yes, just five bucks. (Some people have written to me that they signed up earlier but have been charged, even though they weren't taking courses; if that's true for you, the ZD University people are anxious to fix the situation. PLEASE don't write to me, but contact the webmaster or whomever is listed at the ZDU site.)

The REXX class, and its syllabus, are currently listed on the ZD University Web site on the "planned" page. Click on the "notify me" button and it should ask for your email ID etc.

When we have 300 people signed up, we'll have a course. Not before. I'd like your help to make this happen. (Feel free to distribute this message.)

For more information, visit ZD University at http://www.zdu.com/ or contact Esther Schindler at esther@bitranch.com

CPU monitor 1.1 available.

CPU monitor 1.1 is now available on ftp://hobbes.nmsu.edu where it has been posted to /pub/incoming with its final destination being /pub/os2/util/system. The filename is CPUMON11.ZIP.

This is a CPU monitor utility that uses an API call only available in Warp 4 and Warp Server Advanced SMP and Warp 3 plus fixpack 29 or higher. It will not run on versions of OS/2 prior to Warp 3 with fixpack 29 applied.

It does not use an IDLE time thread to soak up all unused CPU. This means it will not interfere with other applications. Coexists happily with the Warp Center CPU monitor and allows both to report accurate results.

Supports up to 16 CPUs.

Configure update interval from 1 to 30 seconds and CPU graphs from a choice of 15 colours.

Added in this release:

Contact: Trevor Hemsley, London, UK (Trevor-Hemsley@dial.pipex.com or 75704.2477@compuserve.com)

Unofficial OS/2 Navigator Website moved.

The Unofficial OS/2 Navigator Website has moved to http://home.netscape.com/people/danda. Dan Libby has taken over Martin's work on this site, as Martin has finally moved on to his new Netscape ventures.

FxEmail for OS/2 Available.

FxEmail, a free standing email helper app for internet faxing with FaxWorks Pro, will mime encode your fax (alternative uuencode) and send it out via SMTP to any internet address simply by using that internet address in lieu of a phone number in version 3+ of FaxWorks Pro. No external email software required to send.

FxEmail will also function as a REXX exit in PMMail 1.92 (and probably other email packages) to decode the fax file and automatically receive it into your Fax log just as if it had been received by conventional means.

FxEmail is written in Object REXX so Warp 4 is required.

It is currently in Hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming.nmsu.edu/pub/incoming Will eventually be in pub/os2/applications/internet/mail

Warp on the Net Updated.

Newfoundland, Canada. June 19, 1997 - OS/2 Warp on the 'Net has recently grown to list over 1000 active links in more than 100 categories! The index is available on the World Wide Web at http://www.nfwa.com/os2/

OS/2 Warp on the 'Net is a comprehensive database of Internet resources that relate to IBM's OS/2 Warp operating system. The index is searchable and browseable in much the same way that Yahoo is - but we accept only OS/2 listings.

This database has tripled in size since it's debut in January, but has remained relevant specifically to OS/2 users. In addition to the search feature, we've also added a change log, FAQ, and made it easier to browse from one area to the next. Our goal is to keep the index growing, but also up-to-date, quick loading and easy to navigate. Everything is designed to W3C open industry standards to work with all browsers, for all users.

We would like thank everyone who has visited the index to date. All improvements we've made have come from user suggestions. Keep the hits and feedback coming - we can only make further improvements with your help.

OS/2 Warp on the 'Net is located at http://www.nfwa.com/os2/ The index is maintained by employees of NFWA as a service to the OS/2 Internet community.

If you have an OS/2 or Java program and an Internet site, we've got a place to list you! Please use the search feature to see if your company or product is listed, as some companies may be listed in multiple categories. For example, Sundial Systems would be under Software Developers, Productivity, Word Processing (Clearlook), ...Productivity, Database, Personal Information Management (Relish), etc. Corrections to existing listings and suggestions for new categories are also appreciated.

Mensys and Viper OS/2 Open the Mensys OS/2 Download Site.

Today Mensys (the biggest OS/2 reseller in The Netherlands) and Viper OS/2 opened a new service for the OS/2 community: The Mensys OS/2 Download Site.

On this site you can download the latest versions and fixes of top OS/2 shareware applications over a fast link.

There are descriptions for all packages online at the site. The new site replaced the Viper OS/2 Download Page wich started to generate too much traffic. With this new and very fast location, a new layout and much more files we hope to provide a useful service to all OS/2 users. New files will be added shortly, if you have suggestions we're happy to hear from you!

If you're an OS/2 developer, or you'd like to tell us what you think of this service, mail us!

Mensys OS/2 Download Site: http://www.mensys.nl/download/index.html

OS/2 Battleship Game v1.0 with Source Code Available.

An OS/2 version of the board game BATTLESHIP has been submitted to the Compuserve OS/2 Developers 1 and VACPP forums. The archive is called BATTLE.ZIP.

This game was developed using OS/2 Visual C++ compiler and the OpenClass class libraries.

The original game is played on two separate plastic frames, each of which has a horizontal and a vertical playing surface. The horizontal surface is used for both defensive ship placement and the marking of each of your opponents shots with white pegs to register a "miss" and red pegs to register a "hit". The vertical surface is used for your offensive shots against your opponent.

Each player's fleet consists of 5 ships: aircraft carrier, destroyer, battleship, submarine, and a PT boat. Each player distributes their fleet randomly around the horizontal surface. A player then takes a "shot" by specifying a row and column location (i.e. a letter and number combination - A1 to J10). The opponent then responds with "hit" or "miss" appropriately. When all the targets on a given ship are hit, the ship is considered sunk. The player that sinks his opponent's entire fleet is the winner.

In this implementation, the left board is the human player's board and the right is the computer's. Each board consists of 100 individual squares in a 10-by-10 matrix.

Sound is provided via the OS/2 multimedia classes. You will notice that different sounds are played when different actions occur in the game. Some examples are firing at a ship, ships sinking, mines getting hit, and the end of the game.

The game is released as shareware and I hope you will enjoy it.

PMINews Updated.

A beta version of Stardock's PMINews 1.01 is now available from ftp://ftp.stardock.com/updates/pmi101b.zip.

Download this file, extract it to the directory containing your existing PMINEWS.EXE file, and run the PMI101B.EXE file. This will patch your existing executable(after backing it up to PMINEWS.OLD) to the beta version.

A lot of issues (should) have been resolved with this update.

Please report _any_ problems to support@stardock.com.

PMINews is a 32-bit OS/2 Warp application designed for viewing Internet newsgroups. PMINews was developed by SouthSoft(the developers of the popular PMMail Internet mail client) and is published by Stardock Systems. More information on PMINews can be found at http://www.stardock.com.

TeamOS/2 Back On-line.

The Team OS/2 Online web site has been updated as follows:

Two new links have been created on the homepage, one to Membership Services and one to Calendar of Events.

The Membership Services area addresses many of the questions we've been receiving -- from "who are you?", "where have you been", "how do I join Team OS/2 Online", to "how do I subscribe to a mailing list?"

We are looking for items to include on our Calendar of Events. If you have any upcoming conferences, user group meetings, or other events that are of interest to the OS/2 community, please send a complete description including date, time, event name, location, email contact, web site URL, and a brief description to and we'll include your event on the calendar.

And finally, on each page of the site we've included an Update Notification form. By filling in your email address and clicking the submit button, you will receive an email when that particular page is updated. A great deal of construction will be taking place over the next month or so, and the Update Notification service is an easy way to stay informed!

We're still looking for comments and ideas about what you want to see on the Team OS/2 Online web site -- please send such comments to assist@teamos2.org. We are committed to bringing you the information and resources that interest you, the OS/2 user!

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