August 26 Announcements

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GammaTech Software License Center.

GammaTech, Inc. is pleased to announce the availability of the Software License Center. This new service provides the ability for the small developer to license and distribute their shareware or commercial software securely from their own web pages.

The developer places a link on their page which the customer uses to license and download the product. This link accesses the GammaTech secure server for processing of the credit card transaction and download of the software package. For additional information and a demonstration tour of the service, visit our web page:

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G.W.A.N. Alpha.

I'm happy to announce the newest ALPHA (v0.3) of G.W.A.N. - a new multiplayer, real-time simulation for OS/2. Please browse to the web pages and find more about G.W.A.N. Please download the ALPHA version, and test it on your computer.

Please send any comments, questions or suggestions as well as bug reports to or Thank you.

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Hobbes IP address changing.

Just to let people know, during the next week hobbes's IP address will be changing. Anyone who uses the IP address, rather than the full machine name, to connect to hobbes, will be unable to connect. Because hobbes stands to change its IP address at any time, any user who prefers to connect by IP address should get out of that habit extremely quickly. (This change is necessary, as NMSU is rearranging their subnets.)

Joshua Shagam

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IBM Antivirus Pulls Ahead of McAfee.

According to PC Data's list of the 10 best-selling business software titles in June, IBM's Antivirus (#8) pulled ahead of McAfee Viruscan (#9) as the top-selling antivirus software. The PC Data list is compiled from 42 retail and mail order chains representing more than 70% of the U.S. market.

By the way, System Commander (from V Communications) ranked #1 just ahead of DOS (#2). Red Hat Linux scored at #4. Obviously there's tremendous interest (and tremendous sales) of non-Windows operating systems, a story which perhaps should be more reported. (Neither Windows 95 nor Windows NT appeared on the list.)

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Java Momentum - Unusually Early Widespread Acceptance.

According to a recent Zona Research survey of 279 information technology (IT) professionals working for organizations with 250 or more computer users, 47 percent of enterprise organizations are already using Java. The remaining 53 percent expect to deploy it within the next 12 months. Zona Researchers found it unusually early in the technology curve to see such widespread acceptance.

Zona also found the fact that 32 percent of the implementation decisions came from high level management significant. In an interview with Newsbytes, Zona analyst Ron Rappaport told the reporter, "Java has started to seep into the strategic visions of IT managers," as opposed to being merely a subject of internal experimentation.

The survey also assessed why companies are adopting Java. The three top ranked reasons are to create new applications, extend existing applications and extend the intranet to customers and partners.

In parallel with the growing market acceptance are the advancements made in each new version. Java 1.1 for OS/2 Warp*, generally available in English as of July 31, showed a 44% performance improvement over the previous release in CaffeineMark** 3.0 measurements. Furthermore the improved IBM Just-In-Time compiler delivers Java byte code as needed for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) execution and application performance.

* Indicates trademark or registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation.
** Indicates trademark or registered trademark of respective companies.

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OS/2 Warp Server Performance Comparisons.

File and print sharing have long been an important measure of Network Operating System (NOS) performance. Various industry publications and independent test labs have made comparisons between the industry leaders in the NOS marketplace using benchmarks that simulate LAN user activities.

IBM recently commissioned Workstation Laboratories to conduct a file serving performance test using the industry standard file server benchmark *NetBench (owned by Ziff-Davis). The Workstation Laboratories tests comparing Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 and IBM OS/2 Warp Server showed that OS/2 Warp Server file and application sharing was better than NT 4.0 on the uni-processor and better-to-equivalent on the multi-processor version when running NetBench 4.01 from Windows 95 clients.

For more information on this topic, see the complete white paper at The paper also includes an appendix with performance comparisons for loading shared Windows 95 applications from OS/2 Warp Server 4.0 and NT Server 4.0. OS/2 Warp Server performed equal or better in all nine test cases.

* NetBench is a registered trademark of Ziff-Davis Labs, Inc.

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New OS/2 Warp Campaign.

IBM is launching a worldwide OS/2 Warp campaign centered on natural transformations. The unique and creative web page as well as the other campaign elements show how companies can leverage current OS/2 Warp investments to take advantage of today's network computing opportunities. Visit the vision site at: and make sure to sign up to get the hard copy brochure.

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Object Desktop Professional 1.5 Evaluation Version.

Canton MI --Stardock Systems, Inc. a leading software developer for OS/2 announced the availability of Object Desktop Professional Evaluation version.

It is identical to the full version except it does not contain Object Backup or Object Scheduler and times out automatically after a month and a half of use.

Object Desktop Professional provides all of the features of the best-selling Object Desktop product, including Object Navigator, Object Archives, Tab LaunchPad, Control Center and Object Package, plus: Object Viewers. Object Viewer provides the ability to read, print, and work with files from virtually any file format including the recently released Office95 (Excel95, Word95, Access95, PowerPoint95, etc.). With Object Desktop Professional installed, users can simply double click on a file and the Object Viewer feature quickly identifies the document and views it in a fraction of a second. End users do not have to know what type of file is being viewed; view operations are completely transparent.

Stardock has priced Object Desktop Professional at an extremely attractive price for business professionals and corporate users: $149.00 US (or $129.95 off of Stardock's commerce server at

Stardock can be reached by voice at (313) 762-0687, fax at (313) 762-0690, e-mail at, and the World Wide Web at Orders will be taken at 1-800-672-2338 or via commerce server. Most OS/2 resellers carry Object Desktop Professional as well.

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ProNews beta 3 now available for download.

ProNews beta 3 is now available for download at

In addition to these features a number of bugs have been fixed and the UI tweaked in various places.

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