The latest big name entrant from Google is GMail. They plan to provide a whopping 1GB of disk space (at a time when Yahoo! offered 10MB) for users. For free. That, of course, got everyone's attention (and to compete, Yahoo! and other's have increased their disk space allocation).
That's when the grumbling started. With 1GB, Google was never going to delete your e-mail, and it would be archived and searched if they wish. The privacy advocates took up arms, and that got Google even more press.
Okay, I don't like people reading my e-mail either, but come on folks! This is a free service! You don't get something for nothing. And it's not like Google has a monopoly on the free e-mail market. You don't like their policy? Go somewhere else! Nobody's forcing you to sign up for their service.
And you know, I don't know what the fuss is. It's just plain e-mail. It's a little bit annoying right now because you can not delete. Every e-mail you get will always be there. The interface is pretty standard. You "file" your e-mails by applying labels instead of moving it to folders. Other than the 1GB space, there really isn't anything to write home about. You get basic web-based e-mail, a contact list and that's it. Fact is, I think the Yahoo! mail is more feature-rich, if a little slower. Bottom line is, don't bother wasting your time searching for an invite or trying to buy something off e-Bay.
You get 1GB of free e-mail. Right now, no waiting for invites. There's also a calendar tool, much like Yahoo!'s mail. But wait, here's the kicker:
Not only do you get 1GB of free web-based e-mail. It is POP3 accessible! (IMAP is in the works). That beats Yahoo!, Hotmail, Google and just about everyone else. Yeah, that means you can use it with whatever OS/2 mailer you want. I've tried the e-mail a bit, and (so far) it does not tag on any cheesy lines or advertisements to your e-mail.
But wait, there's more (I'm not kidding), you also get tools to host a blog, and also your own photo gallery. For free. That's right, you don't even have to pay a single penny. The sign-up process is relatively trouble-free as well. It does ask for a lot of info, but nearly all of it is optional, so you can leave most of it blank if you're worried about them knowing too much about you. more get 100MB of web space to put up your web page. FTP accessible so you can use it just as an on-line disk if you want. (They don't mind, it's a replacement for Apple's iDisk service).
I've mostly tried just e-mail and blogging and of course, there are no problems with Mozilla or Firefox on OS/2. I have no affiliation whatsoever with Spymac. Remember! If you don't like it, nobody's forcing you to use it!
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