Lot of us have joined or used some of the current projects on OS/2.
Those projects are the programs that have brought life to our Operating System
since IBM decided whatever they decided.
In this article I have a look at some of my favourite projects for
OS/2 home users giving an status for each one and speaking about the
importance of it in order to make our system bigger.
Warp In is a very good project developed in Netlabs (http://www.netlabs.org)
by Jens B„ckman and Ulrich M”ller. They have made an API that helps the
programmers to create and use all the power of a modern installer,
much much better than the one used on the IBM products or the one used on the
Java installation (netscape installer plugin) [Editor: That's the Feature Installer, also needed for TCP/IP 4.3].
Warp In a project which has "graduated" from Netlabs and is currently on
version 1.0.1.
It helps the user to have a single access point to the installed programs [Editor: The old IBM installer did this too, but not Feature Installer.]
and with a very good user interface.
This project is not just alive, but is used by lot of other programs/projects such Odin.
Warp In is a free program that is distributed under the GNU-GPL license scheme.
Third Eye is a Digital Camera reader project that is hosted by OS2.ru (http://os2.ru).
Third Eye has a good GUI and support for many different cameras.
I have used Third Eye PM and it's a good front end for those cameras that work
with it. A shame that my almost no-name brand camera didn't worked,
but some friends cameras did. (It's the poor history of a poor man who can only afford no-name brands).
It has some cute REXX support, so you could do some "strange things" with this
program. For example: A CGI to monitor a room on your home when you are travelling away.
Status: Shareware. Alive and with support until 2005. NLS support for several languages such Spanish, German Russian and English
Current Version: 2.2
Poor Mans PDF (PMPDF)
Great for generating PDFs, some limitations are in place but for most PDF's
it works fine. [Editor: I believe the limitations are mostly due to Ghostscript, not PMPDF].
I used it a few times to make some brochures from Word Pro.
The installation is not as easy as a "human" user would like:
I had to install GhostScript v7 [Editor: Ghostscript v8 is now available]
as the Postscript engine, then I installed PMPDF as a port driver.
Finally, I created a printer that used Ghostscript as a driver and that printed out to
the PMPDF port. Each time I used this printer I have a PDF.
(After all no one ever said that a poor man life was easy).
But the new version has a .WPI (WarpIn) file, so the newer poor men have an easier life.
[Editor: Yes, the new version is very painless. Another option is ePDF (http://www.subsys.de/ePDF/), which is very similar]
Status: Alive, but the latest news is from February 2003 (I am a very poor man who is impatient :-) ).
Current Version: 1.0.5
By the way, the author doesn't want to be a hero "it was just 20 lines of code", so let's make a hero out of the GhostScript programmers...:-)
Emu-OS/2 (M.A.M.E.)
Do you wanna play? Do you really wanna play? Then EmuOS/2 is the thing
that you are looking for, this is the port of MAME, which means that you will
have an arcade machine at home with this with hundreds of possible games.
Status: Unknown, but be aware this is Alpha version.
Current version: Alpha 1
This program really rocks, if you need a multimedia viewer/listener,
Warp Vision is your all-in-one choice. The primary goal is to have a DVD
player. A lot of us are using this program, I think that a lot of us
(including me) should deposit a donation to give this group a reason to keep
the good work, for the moment (until my payroll arrives) a greeting and a
salute to those Russians. Keep working fellows! This is a must have.
[Editor: You can donate via BMT Micro (https://secure.bmtmicro.com/ECommerce-OffSite/11980000.html). The new minimum donation is only $15US now.
You get sent a registration key file, but no instructions. If someone knows what to do with this, please let me know.]
Status: Under development with somewhat regular and frequent releases.
Current version: 06/07/2003
Need to make FTP downloads easier? HandyFTP can be a good option.
HandyFTP has the reget option and other cool features.
The problem seems to be that is no longer under development.
Status: Seems to be not developing since 2001.
Current version: 1.0 Beta 2
One of the things Windows users seem to like to do is to compromise their systems
using Outlook. In order to give them a light and bring them back from the dark side
of The Force, OS/2 Netlabs (http://www.netlabs.org) proudly
presented on Warpstock Europe 2002, LookOut/2 which is a mailreader,
PIM, basically an Outlook replacement for the OS/2 environment.
Look at LookOut if you want to know what the program can do.
Audio CD Creator is part of the Multimedia Extensions, but you can also
get it as a separate animal, if you don't need or want the rest of the bundle
CDWriter fron RSJ (which is a commerical product) provides a powerful interface
to create data and audio CDs. It is a very well proven tool that's easy to install and use
but is not free.
If you want a tool that has some promise but is in early stages AND it's free.
Go for Audio-data CD Creator, but if you want power, stability and proven technology and DVD writing, go RSJ.
Current version: RSJ CD Write 5.0.2, MMExtensions: 0.53
MultiMedia Extensions
[Editor: Most people might know this as CW-Multimedia (CWMM) Classes]
Tired of WPS Multimedia limitations? Need a folder that can became an
MP3 playlist automatically? Want to open an MP3 as you open a WAV?
Want to see MP3 Tags without opening the file (on the properties book)?
Then MM Extensions is just what you need. Take it with Warpvision and any
CD Writing program to make your desktop up-to-date.
(We are not responsible for people staying up late at night listening music
or watching DVD's on their computers).
Another favorite "Poor Man" option is GIMP, which is an Adobe Photoshop-like
program with a great variety of filters and tools.
This project is on several branches for eCS and OS/2, one of them is a
PM application using the EverBlue project (What's that? Is a project like Xfree86/2 but tries to give the ability to run X programs to the Presentation Manager,
instead of using a separated graphical session).
The use is not as simple as an ordinary user would like, but it is very
powerful and can allow experienced designers to achieve things that
"mere mortals" dream about.
[Editor: The regular X version of GIMP/2, i.e. not Everblue version, is more
advanced, stable and bug-free. But you need XFree86/2 or HOBX11]
Status: Alive, with several kids (XFree version and PM)
Current Version: 1.2.2 (XFree86/2 version), 1.0.2 (PM/Everblue version)
If you want to run GNOME, KDE or any UNIX program chances are that you can do
it on OS/2, but chances are that you need XFree86/2, this is a graphical
environment that is compatible with the X-Window system.
Are you a programmer? A Java programmer? Then this is for you.
Eclipse/2 is a project to port the native part of Eclipse project to OS/2.
Eclipse is a IDE that can help you to develop Java or C++ (or any other language).
This is another "must-have" if you are a programmer, the project owner told us
that help is needed, if you want to help, go to the URL and contact the project
Games, real competitive games for the new world, such as Sims, SimCity 3000,
Star Wars Episode II, Harry Potter, Oni (supported by Odin but the
slowness exceeds my patience), etc.
That's the part missing, but my 9 year old girl is happy playng
Crown of Might and other games for OS/2. That can be a review for another day.
Carlos de Luna Saenz
is a 32 years old OS/2 user since he discovered it, on 1992 with OS/2 2.1. He wrote
"Building the infrastructure for the internet" for IBM
on 1996 and has developed several projects for OS/2
(especially intranets) since then.
He also knows that being an OS/2 user in todays world
is to be more productive than others, even when the
people is not always willing to try, specially for the
lack of applications with NLS, but he is convinced
that the users can change that also.