Can Rexx be a substitute for Java? On OS/2, when it comes to programming applets
that run in a web page, the answer is yes. The WarpDoctor Rexx Plug-in provides web based
Rexx programs the capabilities of Java applets.
Java was designed as an interpreted language that was targeted at embedded systems. It
"took off" as the darling language of the late 1990s when Netscape decided to include a
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) in all their browsers and to recognize a new APPLET
HTML tag which allowed Java programs to be downloaded from a web server on demand and
run as "applets" within an HTML page. The applet runs in an assigned area on the HTML page
essentially marrying a Java application with an HTML web page. Because of security concerns,
Netscape limited operations that the Java applet could perform, making an applet a crippled
version of a full-fledged Java application.
Example of a Rexx program running as an applet.
The WarpDoctor Rexx Plug-in does for Rexx what Netscape's inclusion
of the JVM and applet tag did for Java: it
provides an environment that enables visual type Rexx
programs to be downloaded from a web server on demand and run in an
area of an HTML page, appearing to be part of the page. By visual Rexx
programs we mean programs built to run as Presentation Manager (PM)
applications, either with tools such as DrRexx, VX-Rexx and GPF-Rexx,
or by using libraries provide PM functions and features the Rexx
program such as VRexx2 or Rexx/TK.
The WD Rexx Plug-in however also enables command-line type Rexx
programs to be run in an area of the HTML page or in a separate
Command Prompt window. Finally, the WD Rexx Plug-in provides the
facilities to enable fully automated software installation for WarpIN
based installations, and it provides the
for other non-Rexx applications to function as plug-in applications.
Example of a GPF-Rexx application running as an applet
Why Rexx?
The natural question that arises is "if Java already does all these
things, why Rexx?" Why indeed!
Rexx is everywhere - from Palm PDA devices to mainframes
Amiga to Microsoft Windows products, Rexx is the interpreted language
that runs on almost all operating systems and hardware platforms.
Rexx is stable - by this I mean both the language
and the implementation. Rexx is a standardized ANSI language meaning
there is a specification for how the language is supposed to work and
a governing body that controls the changes made to that specification.
In addition the Rexx interpreters on various
platforms are very stable and reliable. You can write a Rexx program
today and be confident that it will run on any Rexx interpreter 5
years from now. Conversely Rexx programs written almost 10 years ago
run perfectly fine today on modern machines and operating systems.
Compare this with Java which seems to go through major revisions every
Rexx is fast. Like Java, Rexx programs go through a
tokenizing process before they are run by the Rexx interpreter. On
OS/2, the tokenized version of the program is stored in extended
attributes of the source file so that the tokenizing step can be
the second and subsequent times the program is run. Not only do the
programs run fast, but Rexx interpreter starts much
faster than the Java Virtual Machine; it is not unusual for smaller
Rexx programs to finish running in less time than it takes the JVM
just to load itself into memory and start up.
Rexx programs can be very small. On OS/2 so much of the
operating system and related parts - like networking, TCP/IP, user
management, database access, etc. - are already Rexx enabled and
included as part of the standard OS/2 install, that the Rexx
themselves can be very small because they take advantage of all those
"libraries" already installed on the machine. The Rexx program does
not have to include any of that function or code because it already is
installed. To give an idea of the size difference, the GPF Rexx
program that is shown in the figure above, which includes drag and
drop capabilities and uses two containers, is less than 60K in size,
and it is the largest of all the
Rexx demo programs (
on the plug-in web site. Since the Rexx Plug-in can
handle compressed (zipped) Rexx programs, the effective transfer size
of the program(s) is even smaller.
Rexx brings the power of the OS/2 PM API to browser applets.
With the libraries and visual Rexx application
building tools available on OS/2,
Rexx programs can use most or all of the PM API in programs
that run in a web page. The disadvantage is that the program is using
operating system specific features and is therefore not portable across
other platforms. The advantage is that the program is using operating system
specific features and is therefore more powerful and familiar to users
than an application that uses a generic set of graphical widgets.
Rexx programs can get to the client system. Which means
that the Rexx application can perform real work: they can print, save data
to the hard drive, query the client system for information, etc.
Java applets are crippled to the extent that is almost impossible for
them to do any real work without violating security restrictions
which require permission from the user. The
procedures needed to enable the Java based application to even ask for
that permission are daunting. (Security is implemented by the Rexx
differently than it is with Java applets. The Rexx program does not
need to do anything special in order to get permission from the user;
that is handled by the plug-in itself, see the Security section below for details.)
What is a Plug-in?
Plug-ins are programs that are written to handle special types of data that the
browser doesn't understand itself, or to extend the browser by providing functions
that are not included in the browser. The plug-in is written as a DLL that is loaded
by the browser when needed.
Netscape published the first plug-in application programming interface (API) which
allowed plug-ins to be developed and run by Netscape browsers. Most of the other browser
manufacturers followed Netscape's lead and enabled their browsers to load and run
plug-ins written to the Netscape API. As an example the WD Rexx
Plug-in will run on Netscape (v 4.04 and 4.61), Opera 5.12 and Mozilla
based browsers - although Mozilla still has a way to go before they
get the bugs out of their plug-in API implementation.
Plug-ins are generally "installed" by placing the DLL file containing the plug-in in
a directory the browser recognizes as storing plug-ins. (The WD Rexx
Plug-in has a WarpIN install program that will install the plug-in in
the correct directory for most browsers.) The browser scans the
directory upon
start-up to determine which plug-ins are available and what data streams and files the plug-in
can handle.
Each plug-in "registers" the types of data streams that it can handle with the browser,
and file extensions which identify the type of data.
These types are called MIME-Types. On OS/2 the registration happens when the browser starts.
Plug-ins are started in one of three ways:
When the browser encounters an EMBED HTML tag in a HTML page. The TYPE
parameter of the EMBED tag calls out the MIME-Type the browser uses to
identify the plug-in to load and start.
This is the most common and
most powerful way of starting a plug-in, and the only way to start the WD Rexx plug-in.
When the browser is sent a data stream with a
MIME-Type that is registered to the plug-in.
When the browser is sent a file with an extension that is registered to the plug-in.
The first method, the embed tag method, is the only method the WarpDoctor Rexx plug-in
will allow itself to be run in because of the security built into the Rexx plug-in. Therefore it
is the only method we will discuss below.
How are Rexx Programs Run?
The web administrator creates an HTML page which contains an EMBED tag
that specifies the Rexx program to run. The Rexx program file or files are placed in an
location pointed to by the src parameter of the EMBED tag.
When the user displays that page the browser reads the page and finds the
EMBED tag. The browser then scans the tag for the type
parameter in order to ascertain which plug-in needs to be loaded. It reads down its
list of registered MIME-Types and loads the plug-in associated with the first match it
finds in the list. Once the plug-in DLL is loaded the
browser creates an "instance" of the plug-in to handle the EMBED tag
and passes all the parameters of the EMBED to that
instance of the plug-in.
It is possible for multiple instances of the plug-in to be running at once. This
can happen if the user opens the same page in more than one window, or if a single HTML
page has multiple EMBED tags on a single page, or if the user opens
multiple different pages that all have an EMBED tag that
points to our plug-in.
Once the instance is created the browser then retrieves the file or URL specified
in the src tag and passes it to the plug-in as a data stream telling the
plug-in what MIME-Type the data stream is based on the type
parameter of the
EMBED tag. (Mozilla based browsers have a bug in that
they use the extension of the file specified in the src
parameter and ignore the type parameter. The Rexx Plug-in
corrects that bug for those browsers.)
The Rexx Plug-in uses the MIME-Type to determine what type of Rexx program it is
getting and how to execute the program.
It then executes the program that
is "streamed" to it.
The MIME-Type is the key that tells the Rexx Plug-in the type of
Rexx program that is in the data stream. Different types of Rexx
programs are run different ways by the plug-in. Some Rexx programs
are run in a separate session started by the plug-in; others run as a
macro of the plug-in, meaning that the plug-in executes the
RexxStart() function and handles input and output through subcommand
handlers. Each different type of Rexx
program has its own MIME-Type. The MIME-Types recognized by the Rexx
Plug-in are shown in the following table:
Command line Rexx, or Rexx running in an OS/2 Command Prompt
window. These types of programs run in a separate session from the
Rexx program running as a macro of the plug-in. The output is routed to
an output window on the HTML page.
DrRexx/DrDialog application, running either in its own window or as an applet.
DrRexx applications run in a separate session.
GPF Rexx application. The application can run either in its own window or as an applet.
GPF applications run in a separate session.
VX-Rexx running as a macro of the plug-in. The application runs as an applet.
VX-Rexx running in a separate session/process. The application can run either
in its own window or as an applet.
Generic Rexx or other application. These always run in a separate
WarpIN install package file in the *.WPI format.
Warpin.exe is run
in a separate session from the plug-in. The Rexx Plug-in determines
if WarpIN is installed on the client machine before attempting to run
WARPIN.EXE, and finds and loads WPIRTL.DLL if
The EMBED tag is a standard HTML tag used to start plug-ins.
It is included, like any other HTML tag, in a page of text that appears in a browser
window. The EMBED tag has a number of parameters which are used
to specify, for example: which plug-in to start, how much area on the page to
allocate to the plug-in, the size and type of border to draw around the plug-in's
"area", etc.
The example below shows a complete HTML page with an EMBED
tag and the parameters needed to run the Rexx program
helloWorld1.rex. Each of the parameters is explained
below. (The parameters are the name=value sets that appear between
the <EMBED and the ending > .)
Rexx Macro Execution
The type parameter specifies what MIME-Type is associated with this
EMBED tag. In this example the MIME-Type specifies a
command-line type Rexx program running as a macro of the plug-in.
The src parameter specifies the URL of the file which contains the
Rexx program.
The height and width parameters specify the size, in
pixels, of the area set aside on the HTML page for the plug-in's use.
The figure below shows the Rexx program that was specified by the
EMBED tag example above.
Rexx Program Running as a Macro of the Plug-in
The HelloWorld1.rex Rexx program shown in the figure above
is listed below.
/* HelloWorld.rex */
say 'Hello Word! From the WarpDoctor Plugin'
say ''
/* get the arguments and display them */
rc = wdParseArgs()
if (substr(rc,1,1) = "#") then do
say rc
if (wdEmbed.0 > 0) then do
do i=1 to wdEmbed.0
say 'arg ' i ' ' ' = ' wdEmbed.value.i
else do
say 'No user defined EMBED parameters'
parse source srcfile
say 'File that is executing ' srcfile
parse source with x ' ' y ' ' fileName
say 'Filename:' fileName
say 'Querying Information from plugin'
say 'Plug-in version:' wdCommand("QUERY VERSION") /* get version of WD plug-in */
say 'API version :' wdCommand("QUERY API") /* get Netscape API */
say 'AGENT (browser):' wdCommand("QUERY AGENT") /* get browser */
say 'SRC :' wdCommand("QUERY SRC") /* get SRC file */
say 'Setting plug-in variables (0 = ok) '
say 'set statusline=Message from Rexx' wdCommand("SET statusline=Message from Rexx") /* set plug-in variable */
say 'Done - close window'
Besides the "standard" HTML parameters of the EMBED
tag that control the size and placement of the plug-in on the page,
there are addition parameters that are recognized by the Rexx Plug-in
that can be used to control the behavior of the plug-in itself.
These parameters are shown in the list below.
Standard Parameters
These parameters control how the plug-in is presented on the HTML page.
url URL of Rexx file to execute. This must be specified as a full URL, not a relative URL. This
is because the plug-in parses the SRC value in order to fetch other associated files as it needs them.
For example src='' is correct,
src='plugin_cmdProcessor.res' is incorrect.
For VX-Rexx and VXRexx programs you specify the macro file, i.e. the file ending in *.VRM, in the SRC parameter.
n Where n = line size in pixels of the border.
mime-type MIME-Type of Rexx file. This must be one of the
MIME-Types (
supported by the plug-in.
TRUE | FALSE True = window is hidden. The WarpDoctor Rexx plug-in requires a window
in order to function correctly, meaning that this parameter must be set to FALSE, or it must not be
specified at all; the default for the parameter when not specified is FALSE.
name Name of the plug-in. This enables referring to the
plug-in by the supplied name in JavaScript code when using Netscape's
LiveConnect to script the plug-in. The WarpDoctor Rexx
Plug-in implements a JavaScript to Rexx interface without using
LiveConnect, therefore this parameter is meaningless for the Rexx
Alignment for the applet
NO = frame has no border
n Where n = height of window, in pixels. Passed to the Rexx
program as wdMainArgs.winheight
n Where n = width of window, in pixels.Passed to the Rexx program as wdMainArgs.winwidth
n Where n = the margin, in pixels, between top and bottom edges of the applet window and surrounding
text and images.
n Where n = the margin, in pixels, between left and right edges of the applet window and surrounding text
and images.
Whether palette is foreground or background to the window. Not used.
URL for auto install instructions. Not used by the Rexx Plug-in.
WD Plug-in Specific - 'reserved' - Parameters
These parameters have special meaning to the plug-in, as described in the table below.
WdPluginCgi.exe is a CGI program on the web server that provides
services to the Rexx Plug-in. The plug-in automatically fills in
CgiURL on start up by parsing the src parameter. If
the value placed in CgiURL by the plug-in is incorrect, either because
wdPluginCgi.exe is in a non-standard location or because
the plug-in parsed the src parameter incorrectly, you
must supply the CgiURL parameter on the EMBED tag with
the correct URL for the wdPluginCgi.exe program.
filename [filename [filename ...]] A list of one or more DLL's to check before running the Rexx
program. Multiple file names can be specified in the list
by separating each file name by a space. If this parameter is present
the plug-in checks that the DLL's in the list exist and can be loaded
before attempting to run the Rexx program. If any of the DLL's are
missing or cannot be loaded, an error message box is displayed and the
instance terminates. This is useful for insuring that the requisite
DLL's exist on the client's hard drive before trying to run the
program. Note that the plug-in automatically checks for standard
required DLL's needed for the various Rexx run-times. You only need to
use this parameter if you need non-standard DLL's.
filename [filename [filename ...]] A list of one or more executable files to check before running the
Rexx program. Multiple file names can be specified in the list by
separating each file name by a space. If this parameter is present
the plug-in checks that the files in the list exist somewhere on the
PATH before attempting to run the Rexx program. If any of the files
are missing an error message box is displayed and the instance
terminates. This is useful for insuring that any requisite executable
files exist on the client's hard drive before trying to run the
program. Note that the plug-in automatically checks for standard
required executable files needed for the various Rexx run-times. You
only need to use this parameter if you need non-standard executable
YES = Plug-in closes the Command Prompt window when Rexx program
terminates - valid only for x-warpdoctor/cmdrexx. Default=YES.
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4
0 = turn off debug messages, any value > 1 turns on debug
messages in plug-in. DebugPlugin=1 means the PmPrintf.DLL is loaded.
(PmPrintf.dll is the interface between the PmPrintf.exe output window
and the Rexx Plug-in. It must be loaded before any debug messages can
be sent to PmPrintf.exe. It is also loaded whenever a
PmPrintf command is issued by the Rexx
YES = Rexx program is erased from the browser cache when
terminated. This is useful when making changes to the program since
the browser will cache and reuse (usually) the first version
downloaded in a session.
title text Title that appears in windows and dialog boxes.
title If this parameter appears it means that the plug-in will
display a file dialog
prompting the user to save the streamed file. This is mainly for
x-warpdoctor/warpin MIME-Types to allow the user to copy
the install file that is downloaded to a known location on their hard
drive, thus allowing the user to save the file that is being
installed on their machine. Otherwise the file is streamed into the
browser's cache and assigned a random name by the browser.
instanceHandle Releases a plug-in instance (a waiting Rexx program) that has been
paused with the WaitOn JS command. This
parameter should be used with the MIME-Type of
x-warpdoctor/execute. When this parameter is found
during plug-in instance start-up the plug-in copies all the embed
parameters to equivalent JS_VAR variables for the
instanceHandle and then immediately terminates. The waiting
Rexx program running in plug-in instanceHandle is then
released. That program uses the
query JS_VAR... command(s) to retrieve the values. This mechanism allows
for passing data between JavaScript and Rexx, or between one Rexx
program and another.
Turns on/off the display of the window that displays Rexx SAY statements and SAYTOWIN commands.
The window is ON (YES) by default for MIME-Types of
x-warpdoctor/rexx and x-warpdoctor/cmdrexx,
and OFF (NO) for all
other MIME-Types.
YES (the default) causes the plug-in to strip off any trailing blanks from the
response to the PULL command for Rexx programs running as a macro - MIME-Type x-warpdoctor/rexx.
The default Rexx behavior is to leave trailing blanks, if any were typed, in the value.
milliseconds The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for an initial response from the server
before declaring an error.
This value may need to be adjusted if you are communicating with a very slow or heavily loaded server.
The default value is 30,000 - 30 seconds.
milliseconds The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait for commands and functions to complete
before declaring an error.
The default value is 10,000 - 10 seconds.
windowName The name of a window the plug-in is to use for issuing JavaScript commands for various plug-in commands.
The default is _blank which means the plug-in will use a new, blank, window.
When a JavaScript command is issued by a
Rexx program, or any of the other commands (OpenWindow, CloseWindow,
etc.) that require JavaScript, the plug-in builds a file containing
the JavaScript commands and uses the GetUrl command to get the browser
to execute the JavaScript. The plug-in then immediately closes the
window. This can cause a window to flash momentarily on the user's
screen. The WorkWindowName parameter specifies an already
existing window that the plug-in is to use instead of creating a new
window. This window can be a very small or obscure window that is not
noticeable to the user, thereby avoiding the momentary flashing of the
"work window" when it is created and destroyed by the plug-in.
If the window named in WorkWindowName does not exist the plug-in will
create a new window.
YES means the file specified in the
SRC parameter is a zipped archive. The plug-in unzips the archive
into the
TEMP directory and executes the Rexx program extracted from the archive.
The name of the Rexx program (without its extension) in the zipped
archive must match the name of the zipped file, without its extension.
While all the EMBED tag parameters listed above
have special meaning either to the browser or to the Rexx Plug-in, you
are not limited to just those parameters. You can create your own
additional parameters to use for passing values to the Rexx programs.
These "user created parameters" can have any name you want, as long as
the name does not conflict with any of the "established" parameters
listed above - and the name does not contain any spaces or special
characters. Each of user created parameter is passed to the Rexx
program in the Rexx stem variable
where name
equals the name of the parameter. So for example, if you modified
the EMBED tag from the above example to add two
parameters (myParm1 and AnotherUserParm), as shown below
Rexx Macro Execution
the Rexx stem variable wdEmbed. would hold these values:
a special value
another value
a special value
another value
Rexx Plug-in Security
The WarpDoctor Rexx Plug-in, like all plug-ins, has complete access
to the user's hard drive and system. While this is beneficial because
without access to the client system it is impossible to write anything
other than a trivial program , it also introduces the possibility of a
program causing mischief with a user's system. The WarpDoctor Rexx
Plug-in implements security using the most basic, and most reliable
tenets of security, namely:
Don't run any programs unless you know where they come from
Don't accept any programs (or email, or
files) from a site or person that you do not know and trust.
Security for the WarpDoctor Rexx Plug-in is implemented by a list
of approved sites with optional prompting before running Rexx
programs. The list of approved sites restricts Rexx programs that are
run by the Rexx Plug-in to those programs that come from a site in the
list. Prompting prevents a Rexx program from running without approval
from the user.
The Approved Site list is a list of sites that the user has
determined to be "safe" sites - meaning sites that the user will
accept Rexx programs from. Sites are added to the list by the
user with the Security Configuration Tool (by right-clicking on the
list and selecting Add), or by the plug-in when directed to by the
Every time a plug-in instance is started the plug-in checks the
URL of the Rexx program against the list of approved sites. If the
program is from a site that is not in the list, a dialog box is
displayed telling the user that the site is not in the list and
giving the user the choice of:
Rejecting the program
Running the program
Running the program and adding the site to the Approved Sites
If the program is from a site on the Approved Site list, but that
site has been flagged as Always Prompt, or the user has checked
the Prompt for every Rexx program checkbox, the use will be
prompted before the program is run. The user can chose to run the
program or reject the program.
Rexx Plug-in Security Configuration Tool
The security system allows the user to accept all Rexx programs
from a trusted site, from all sites, or to prompt before running each Rexx
program on a site by site, or all Rexx programs from any site. Thus
the user has control on how much security to impose and the ability to
tailor that security level for each individual site.
Installing the Plug-in
The Rexx Plug-in is packaged as a WarpIN install file
from WarpDoctor (
On that page you have a choice of two files to download:
wdRexxIn.wpi (590K) - which is for those that already have
WarpIN installed on their machines.
wdRexxIn.exe (1MB) - which is for those that do not already
have WarpIN
installed. This contains enough of the WarpIN files to provide a
self-contained install, meaning the install will run without WarpIN
existing on the target machine.
Links for both files are FTP links to prevent the file from
becoming corrupt during the download. You will need to Shift-click
on the link to get the browser to save the file to your local hard
drive. Put the file in a temporary directory. Once either file is
saved to your hard drive double click on the file to start the install
The Rexx Plug-in install archive is made up of three or four parts.
The executables, which include the Security Configuration Tool and
utility programs used by the plug-in. These can be put in any
directory you specify.
A dynamic link module - wdPlugin.dll - which must be installed
to a directory on your LIBPATH.
The DrRexx runtime - DrRexx.exe. This package only appears if
DrRexx.exe is not found on the your system, and is installed to the
same location as the other executables.
The plug-in itself - npwrpdoc.dll. This file must be
installed to the PLUGINS
directory of each browser that needs to run the plug-in.
The parts of the install show up in WarpIN as "packages", with the
plug-in part displayed as one or more browser packages, since the
plug-in is installed to a browser. The number of browser packages
displayed depends on the browsers that are installed on your machine.
Install Screen for the Rexx Plug-in
The install program attempts to find all the browsers installed on your
machine. It can find Netscape v 4.04, 4.61, Opera 5.12, IBM Web
Browser version 2 and Mozilla starting at version 1.2. The install
program cannot find versions of Mozilla below 1.2 or IBM Web Browser
before version 2. Each browser found appears as a "package" on the
install screen. Each browser "package" copies the npwrpdoc.dll file to
the appropriate directory for that browser.
In addition to the packages for each specific browser
there is a "User Specified Browser" package which can be used to
install the plug-in DLL (npwrpdoc.dll) for a browser not found by the
install program. To use this package you have to select the package
and specify the PLUGINS directory for that browser in
the Install path. For all OS/2 browsers the directory where
the plug-in goes is actually called PLUGINS.
When the install completes you will have an entry in OS2.INI that
points to the directory where the executable files where installed,
and a WarpDoctor folder on your desktop that looks like this.
In addition to installing the Rexx Plug-in itself, you may need to
install run-times for different Rexx application environments; the
run-time for DrRexx applications is installed as part of the plug-in.
For example VX-Rexx applications require the file
VROBJ.DLL somewhere on the LIBPATH of the client machine.
Install runtimes ( page
can use be used to install whatever run-times you need. Normally a
site administrator would probably include the run-times needed for the
types of Rexx programs available at that site in a custom version of
the plug-in install package. But since there are demonstration
programs for each type of Rexx environment supported by the Rexx
Plug-in, this page exists to enable you to run those demonstration
programs. You cannot install anything from this page until the plug-in
is first installed because this page executes a Rexx program to
perform the installs. The program first checks for the existence of
the run-time files on your system before downloading the files.
Rexx Run-time Install Page
Writing Rexx Programs for the Plug-in
So what special things do you have to do when writing Rexx programs
that will run in the Rexx Plug-in? The answer to that depends on the
type of Rexx program you want to run and how integrated you want the
Rexx program and the plug-in to be.
Since the plug-in is designed to run any Rexx program, Rexx
programs that will run in their own window and which
do not need to use any of the Rexx Plug-in commands, need do nothing
special. The programs should run correctly with no modifications.
On the other hand, Rexx programs that need to be integrated with
the plug-in - either because they want to run as an applet in the HTML
page or because they want to use the services and features of the
plug-in - must have some minor modifications. Integration with the
plug-in is achieved through three means:
Rexx functions provided by the plug-in for use by the Rexx
Rexx variables that are used by the plug-in to provide information
to the Rexx program and by the Rexx program to control some aspect of
the plug-in.
"Commands" which the Rexx program "issues" to the plug-in using
the plug-in Rexx function wdCommand() .
Rexx Functions
There are very few Rexx functions provided by the plug-in because
most of the heavy lifting is done in just one function - wdCommand().
The functions are:
Registers all the other plug-in Rexx functions.
Initializes the plug-in environment for the Rexx program and
creates the Rexx stem variables wdMainArgs. and wdEmbed.
. The function must be called before any other plug-in Rexx
function except wdPluginLoad.
Sends commands to the plug-in and returns the results of the
Called at the end of the Rexx program to de-register the
plug-in Rexx functions.
Opens a "message" pipe to the plug-in for receiving
notification of events. A message pipe is used only when a Rexx
program needs to receive notification before being terminated, or if
the Rexx program needs notification of paint, movement, minimize and
maximize events, etc.
Normally a "message" pipe is not needed, since the plug-in
automatically controls the Rexx application window.
Waiting until a message is received, then returns with the
Closes the message pipe.
Rexx Variables
There are three Rexx stem variables that are created or used by the
Rexx Plug-in:
Output - contains information about the size and position of the
plug-in area/window, the instance handle, pipe handle and the names
and the command and message pipes. The variable is created by
wdParseArgs() function.
Output - contains the user created parameters from the
EMBED tag. A tail variable is created for each user
created parameter; the value of the variable equals the value of the
Input and Output. wdPlugin.errorSwitch is used to control how the
plug-in functions handle errors. When set = 0 (the default) any error
in the plug-in Rexx functions is returned as an error message in
When set = 1 the Rexx functions throw a syntax error instead of
returning an error message. The error message is instead put in
wdPlugin.errorMessage. This allows you to write programs with a
SIGNAL label ON SYNTAX statement instead of checking the return value for each function
call for errors.
The WD Rexx Plug-in exposes almost the entire Netscape plug-in API
to Rexx programs
as "commands" the Rexx program can issue using the plug-in Rexx
function wdCommand().
In addition the plug-in also provides "commands" for
tasks needed by Rexx programs running as plug-in applications. These
commands include:
Opening new browser windows.
Loading HTML pages, or other URLs, into existing or
new browser windows.
Uploading files to a FTP server.
Downloading files from a web server or an FTP server.
Getting a URL into a file or a Rexx variable.
Calling CGI programs on a web server.
Copying, renaming, moving and deleting files on the client
hard drive.
Executing JavaScript commands and routines.
With these commands, and a CGI program on the web server
(which could also be written in Rexx) the Rexx application running in the client
browser can be totally integrated with data and applications that exist on the
web server, or anywhere else on the network. For example a Rexx application
running in a browser could:
Retrieve a file from the server containing the latest version numbers
of software applications located on the server.
Compare the applications on the list to applications installed on the
client machine, noting which applications are out of date by version number.
Display a screen to the user of the applications needing updates.
Retrieve the updated versions from the server based on selection made by the user
and install them on the client.
The integration possibilities extend beyond just sending and getting files.
With the ability to execute CGI programs on the server and pass variables
to those CGI programs, the Rexx application on the client browser can now
essentially remotely invoke programs on the server and capture the results or
output of those programs on the client.
The plug-in also provides commands and features that allow the Rexx application
to interface with JavaScript. The Rexx application can execute JavaScript commands, which
means the Rexx program is not limited to the functions provided by the Netscape Plug-in
API (and hence the Rexx Plug-in), but can use almost any feature and capability
provided by the JavaScript language recognized by the browser.
A summary of the Rexx Plug-in commands is shown in the table below.
Adds a file name to a list of files that are deleted when the
plug-in instance terminates.
This is the easiest way to insure that temporary files are deleted
when the Rexx program terminates without the Rexx program
having to capture a termination event.
Appends the contents of one disk file to another.
Closes the plug-in (sever) end of an open message pipe; the
plug-in Rexx function wdClosePipe() closes the Rexx
(client) end.
A message
pipe is used
by the Rexx program to get notification of plug-in events that are of
interest to the program, such as the termination event.
Closes an open browser window.
Copies a disk file to a new name or location on the local hard
Uploads a file to a remote server using FTP.
On Netscape a progress dialog box displayed associated to plug-in
Creates and displays a new HTML page from the
text supplied.
Executes a program on the client machine, returning the program's
return code as the result.
Opens a file dialog box. The file dialog can be specified as
either a single or multiple selection dialog. File name(s)
selected are returned as the result.
Converts a fully qualified path and file name into a file type
URL. Most of the Rexx Plug-in commands automatically do this
conversion. This command is for those instances where the file type
URL is needed or the command does not do the conversion automatically.
Gets a file from the web server, transmitting the file as a
compressed data stream.
Gets a URL to a specified target. URL can be HTTP, FTP, etc.
Target can be a browser window, file or the return value of the
command. This command provides a way of displaying HTML in a browser
window, or fetching files from a web or FTP server.
Indicates to the plug-in that the Rexx application has received a
mouse click, or otherwise gotten the focus. This is used to help
work-around a deficiency in how focus is handled in certain
circumstances for Rexx applications running in separate session.
Executes JavaScript code on the browser. The JavaScript code is
passed as a parameter to the command. You can direct the plug-in to
create the HTML file containing the JavaScript on the client machine,
or on the server. Creating the HTML file on the server
allows you to communicate with other HTML files that have been
downloaded from the server bypassing a
Netscape security restriction that prevents JavaScript that originates
from one domain from modifying or reading values of a document that
comes from a different domain. Opera does not allow a JavaScript
routine to read or modify values in a document from another window
regardless of which domain it originated from.
Establishes a link between the Rexx program and the plug-in, allowing the plug-in
to control the Rexx program window, or send messages to the Rexx program.
Moves a file to a different location on the local hard drive, or renames a file on the
local hard drive.
Opens the URL in a new browser window, optionally specifying window parameters such as size, etc.
This command basically combines the OpenWindow and
GetUrl commands into one.
Opens the a new, empty, browser window.
Posts data to a URL, i.e. HTTP POST message. The URL is usually a CGI program that
processes information included in the post message. This command provides a way
of communicating with CGI programs on a web server.
Outputs a string to the PmPrintf monitor. Used for debugging Rexx
applications running in the plug-in.
Returns information from plug-in variables, embed parameters, and information provided by the
Rexx Plug-in.
Reloads the plug-in list in browser, making the browser recognize
any newly added plug-ins.
Outputs text in the Rexx output window. This is used by Rexx
programs running a separate window that want to send messages
that appear in the Rexx output window.
Outputs text in Rexx output window without a line break.
Useful in conjunction with the Rexx PULL command to give a better
looking prompt.
Sets or changes the value of plug-in variables and browser/plug-in
features. Most of the "reserved" EMBED parameters
are also variables that can be set or changed by the Rexx program.
Creates a temporary file name, that by default is deleted
when the plug-in instance terminates.
Causes the Rexx program to wait until it is released by another
Rexx program or another plug-in with the
ReleaseInstanceEMBED parameter
This is used when a Rexx program wants to display an HTML page and
capture variables from that page.
Applications send commands to the plug-in with the Rexx function
wdCommand(). This function sends a command to the plug-in
and returns the result of the command to the Rexx program. The
example program above shows how a Rexx
programs sends commands to the plug-in.
Rexx Program Modifications
As we said above, Rexx programs that need to be integrated with the
plug-in have to perform some additional steps; programs that need to
run as an applet need to be cognizant of some design issues.
For Rexx programs that need to call Rexx Plug-in commands or get
the values of EMBED parameters, the program needs to
Call RxFuncAdd() and wdPluginLoad() to register the Rexx Plug-in
functions, as shown below.
call RxFuncAdd 'wdPluginLoad', 'wdPlugin', 'wdPluginLoad'
call wdPluginLoad
This is necessary only for those Rexx applications that run in a separate
session; applications that run as a macro of the plug-in have the
functions registered automatically. (Applications that run as a macro
of the plug-in won't do any damage by registering the functions using
wdPluginLoad(), because wdPluginLoad() is smart enough to know if it
is being called by a macro program and to behave appropriately.)
Call wdParseArgs() to convert the EMBED
tag parameters into the Rexx variable wdEmbed. and to
establish a communication link with the plug-in. GPF Rexx programs
have to call this function in a slightly different manner than other
Rexx programs.
Visual Rexx applications that run as applets on the HTML page
have some design requirements dictated by being applets. The applet
appears in the HTML page. It is assigned an area on the page that does
not change in size, even when the browser window is re-sized. The
applet/application window is controlled by the browser window: when
the browser window is minimized the application window is minimize,
when the browser window is moved the application window moves, etc.
This means that the user interacts with the browser window controls to
move, minimize and maximize the window, not application window
controls. Finally, the application window should
not terminate or close until the browser window closes.
What the application programmer has
to do is:
Remove sizing borders, the title bar, system menu, and the
minimize and maximize
buttons. Moving, minimizing and maximizing the application is handled
through the browser window controls.
Some applications may need to initially size their main window
according to values contained in the Rexx stem variable However for most Rexx
applications the
sizing is automatically handled by the plug-in when the application
links to the plug-in.
Link to the plug-in using the
link command, for example
call wdCommand 'link drrexx'
When the application "links" to the plug-in
the plug-in takes care of
synchronizing the application window to the browser window. The
plug-in also removes the entry for the application in the window
switch list to prevent the user from terminating the application apart
from closing the browser window.
Make sure the application can be re-sized. The plug-in needs to be
able to size the application to the dimensions of the plug-in window
area, as specified in the width and height
parameters of the EMBED tag. For example, DrRexx
applications must use a sizing border or must handle the
size event.
Other than what is outlined above, the Rexx program is completely
Packaging the Rexx Program
Once you have a Rexx program written, you need to package the
program into an HTML page that contains an EMBED tag.
The section on the Embed Tag above showed how the
EMBED tag worked and what the parameters are. You can
write the HTML manually, or you can use the Rexx
Program Tester tool to write the HTML for you.
You then need to move the HTML file
to where HTML files are located on your web server, and move the Rexx
program file or files to the location pointed to by the
SRC tag in your HTML file; usually this will also be in
the html directory.
Normally the extension of the Rexx program file will be determined
by the type of Rexx program it is:
for command line type Rexx programs.
for DrRexx programs.
*.VRM and *.VRW
for VX-Rexx programs.
for GPF programs.
You may run into restrictions on what file extensions you can use
based on security settings for your web server.
The most likely extensions that will cause you problems are *.CMD and
For example the
WarpDoctor site will not run files with a *.CMD extension.
If you have conflicts with an extension you have two choices:
Use an alternate extension. *.REX is an alternate extension for
*.CMD for x-warpdoctor/cmdrexx and
x-warpdoctor/rexx MIME-Types.
Zip the Rexx program file(s) and specify the zipped file as the
Zipping the file has the added advantage of shortening the
download time.
Tools to Help Programming
Three "tools" exist to help Rexx programmers developing
to run in the Rexx Plug-in. They are a command processor that can be
used to interactively send commands to the plug-in, a program tester
that will execute any Rexx program as a plug-in program without having
to write any HTML, and PmPrintf, a text message viewer that displays
debugging messages you insert into your Rexx code. The tools are
available from here ( and here (
Command Processor
Command Processor is a DrRexx plug-in application which can be used
for interactively sending commands to the plug-in and viewing the
results. This can be especially handy for working out what parameters
need to be used for each command. You enter commands in the top line,
click on Send, and the result appears in the bottom window. In
addition the Command Processor has pages that display the
wdMainArgs. and wdEmbed. Rexx variables.
Command Processor
Rexx Program Tester
The Rexx Program Tester is an HTML screen and DrRexx
plug-in application that you can use to test programs. You enter
the name of a Rexx program on your hard drive, or the URL of a Rexx
program on a web site, set any parameters that need to be set, and
click on the Run button to run the program.
Once you are satisfied with how the
program executes you can click on the Create HTML button and the
application will create HTML files or copy the HTML code to the
clipboard for you.
Rexx Program Runner Screen
PmPrintf is a tool that has been around for a long time that was
originally written to display printf (the C language equivalent of the
Rexx SAY) statements from Presentation Manager type programs. It can
be used to display messages from any program where the normal text
output mechanism will not work. The Rexx Plug-in provides a
PmPrintf command that Rexx programs can use
to send messages to the PmPrintf console. This can be especially handy
for debugging visual Rexx programs written in VX-Rexx and GPF when they
are running in the plug-in
The little code snippet and screen shot below shows how it works.
/* Demo PmPrintf Command */
call wdParseArgs
say 'Demo PmPrintf'
call wdcommand 'pmprintf hello world'
say 'After pmprintf command'
Cross Platform Compatibility
Currently the Rexx Plug-in runs only on OS/2. The future plans are
to port the plug-in to Windows and eventually Linux. While this is
certainly "do-able" there are issues with Rexx itself that will limit
the types of programs that could be run on multiple operating system
Rexx itself is very compatible between different operating systems
and hardware platforms. But the Rexx language does not have any visual
components as part of the language specification. In order to build
graphical user interface type applications in Rexx you must use a
library or application building tool that provides the interface
between Rexx and the native graphics system on an operating system. On
OS/2 there is a wealth of libraries and tools that are available. On
Windows and Unix systems there are not nearly as many. For OS/2 and
Windows there is MAID (; for OS/2, Windows and Unix there is
Rexx/TK (
While the Rexx Plug-in can be ported to different platforms, the
Rexx programs that can be run by the plug-in will be limited to the
support for Rexx provided by the platform.
The WarpDoctor Rexx Plug-in combines the centralized maintenance
advantages of Java applets with the power, speed and ease of Rexx
programs. It marries Rexx with the web, which in the OS/2 world is the
ideal marriage.
Where to get it
Warpdoctor Plugin Page (
will get you to the main page for the Rexx Plug-in. From
there you will find links for installing the plug-in, documentation,
and demonstration/example programs
[Read more about this plugin here ( Ed.]
Douglas Clark is a program management consultant who first started using OS/2 version 1.3. He's married,
with 2 girls, and is old enough to remember when 4 color mainframe terminals were a big thing.