I spent the last six months trying to make my USB mouse work under OS/2. I tried everything, even
bought a new USB PCI board, and still the USB mouse was dead.
There are two different types of host contollers. UHCI (Universal Host Controller Interface) and
OHCI (Open Host Controller Interface.) As far as I could find, they are sort of like normal modems and
UHCI is developed by Intel and is like normal modems. OHCI was developed by Compaq and it's
like a winmodem, it depends on special software to work. Initial UHCI drivers were made available
by IBM for free, the OHCI drivers were later released under Software Choice. Now the updated versions
of all of them are only available from Software Choice.
A few weeks ago I saw Chris Wohlgemuth's Mass Storage Device drivers for USB and thought why
not try the DDK sources myself. I have to say that my experince with device drive programming is equal to zero
and I had some tough times on Linux when I needed a special driver for my modem card.
To my surprise, building the drivers from the DDK is very simple and easy, the sources compiled fine
once you set up the enviroment for the Microsoft 16 bit C compiler. After finishing compiling it I copied
them to \OS2\BOOT, removed the comments from my CONFIG.SYS and restarted and the mouse was alive
and clicking.
Getting the files
To begin you need to get the DDK sources and tools to build the USB drivers, go to
http://www3.software.ibm.com/regsvs/ddk/, create an account and download the following files:
Under Input/Output Device Drivers and Test Tools click on the first button named
Download Source Code ZIP File and the one named Download Build Tools Zip File.
Under Microsoft(R) Compiler/Assembler Build Tools download both of the files for Microsoft C Compiler
and the Microsoft Macro Assember.
There are documentation files for Input/Output Device Driver reference and the Using your DDK that
you may download, the first one tells you how to build new device drivers for OS/2 the second tells you
how to use the DDK to compile the sources.
Unpacking the Files
Unzip all the files into a folder, I called mine f:\build. Once all the files have been unzipped you
will have two folders inside your f:\build folder. The folder DDK has the source code for all the USB
drivers among other things, the DDKTools folder has the compilers and assembers.
Setting up the Files
In the f:\build\ddk\tools directory there is a file called COPYC60.CMD, this file takes two parameters. The
first is the is the path to the Microsoft C 6.0 compiler, the second is the path to the DDK source. Execute
this file like the example below:
COPYC60 f:\build\ddktools\toolkits\msc60 f:\build\ddk
The batch file copies the required files for the compiling process.
Building the Drivers
Now it's time to build the drivers. Go to f:\build\ddk\base\src\dev\usb and call NMAKE, if you
want to log all the nmake messages use NMAKE > filename.
If you don't have any errors, in each subfolder a .SYS file will be created, you can copy them to
Enabling the USB Driver
You will have to change your CONFIG.SYS, before we go on, back up your CONFIG.SYS. Add the lines below
to your CONFIG.SYS:
For OHCI adapters
For UHCI adapters
Shutdown your system and plug your mouse and power up the computer, your mouse should work
properly on OS/2, WinOS/2 and DOS.
If you are tempted to remove the DEVICE=C:\OS2\BOOT\MOUSE.SYS SERIAL=COMx from your
CONFIG.SYS - don't, the mouse will not work without it.
Well, that's all, I hope you all can make it.