April 16, 2002
"The monthly magazine of the OS/2 and eCS Community"
Robert Basler Editor in Chief
Pete Grubbs Senior Editor
James Cannon
Douglas Clark
Brent R. Scott
Bas Heijermans
John Bijnens Contributors
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From The Editor
Robert Basler [more]
Watchcat - Oldie but Goodie
Douglas Clark tells us about a useful process killer [more]
The Discount Rack
James Cannon finds some great Disney software you can share with your family. [more]
Quickview Pro for DOS
John Bijnens looks at a solution for viewing a wide variety of video formats. [more]
Installable File Systems
Douglas Clark looks at a the surprising variety of IFSes for OS/2. [more]
Brent R. Scott looks at the 'duct tape' of programming languages. [more]
ODBC on OS/2 Part 12
Douglas Clark wraps up the series - for now... [more]
The Art Department
Cool desktops for you. [more]
Ask Bas and John
Bas Heijermans and John Bijnens answer your OS/2 questions in this ongoing forum. [more]
April Forums
Questions for the authors? Disagree with us? Take it to the forums. [more]