OS/2 eZine - http://www.os2ezine.com
16 January 2002

OS/2 Netlabs.  Open source software for OS/2.

The Art Department

Want to be a show-off? Impress your friends? This is the place.

James Cannon has created these two desktop backgrounds this month. If you have an arty streak, maybe you'll see one of your creations in this spot next month - we're looking for your submissions.

Send your submissions to editor@aurora-systems.com (mailto:editor@aurora-systems.com). We'll pick the best couple we get each month to appear on this page.

In any case, please feel free to download these and use them on your desktop.

1024x768 ecsorbit.jpg (ecsorbit.jpg) (39K)
1024x768 loaded.jpg (loaded.jpg) (76K)

Looking for Material?

Here are some places to look for public domain images you can use as a starting point: NASA (http://www.nasa.gov/gallery/index.html), National Library of Australia (http://www.nla.gov.au/catalogue/pictures/), Google Clip Art (http://directory.google.com/Top/Computers/Graphics/Clip_Art/).

The Rules

Submissions must be your own creation. By submitting images to the OS/2 eZine you are giving permission to the OS/2 eZine to use and publish the images, and permission for readers of the OS/2 eZine to download and use the images for their own personal use. Please don't send us copyrighted stuff or anything that people might send lawyers after us over. You're welcome to put a screenshot of your desktop using the image in with your submission if you like. If you're sending more than one submission, please put them together in a ZIP file. Watch the file sizes - we're not going to be publishing any 2MB images, no matter how cool they look.

If you have different sized versions of the image, those would be great as well.

This article is courtesy of www.os2ezine.com. You can view it online at http://www.os2ezine.com/20020116/page_11.html.

Copyright (C) 2002. All Rights Reserved.