PG: Who are you?
AH: Achim Hasenmueller
PG: Where do work? What do you do?
AH: Innotek, Stutgart, Germany. IT Architecht.
PG: Why did you come to Warpstock?
AH: I go to every OS/2 event that takes place.
PG: Is this your first Warpstock?
AH: No. I was in Philadelphia last year.
PG: How is this year's convention different than previous years? How is it the same?
AH: I see a big change. I think this one is much more vivid. I think this one has much more excitement.
PG: How long have you used OS/2?
AH: Since 1991.
PG: Where do you see OS/2 heading?
AH: Enterprise use is declining. IBM support is also declining so it will be harder for the community to survive. I think there has to be a lot of separate development (device drivers, etc.). I think what's going to happen is not what IBM says is going to happen, In the long term, OS/2 will go away, but it will be around much longer than IBM thinks it will be.
PG: Where should OS/2 go and how should it get there?
AH: That's a very difficult question. [In the short term] It's not possible to do much without IBM . . . they have the control. [In the long term] I think there will be a gap that cannot be filled by Linux or Windows. The OS/2 community needs to develop something that can fill that gap ... a new OS.
PG: What is your opinion of eCS?
AH: I think it's very encouraging that IBM has given Serenity Systems the right to do a distribution of OS/2... They have a great chance. However, I think they have a great challenge to fix all the holes.
PG: What do you use OS/2 for?
AH: Everything.
PG: Is there anything you'd like to do on your OS/2 box that you can't do?
AH: Artwork. But that's going to change with the Virtual PC. And reading complex Office documents.
PG: While earlier Warpstocks had sessions dealing with OS/2 advocacy, this year's schedule seems totally devoted to product information and technical issues. Is this significant? Why/why not?
AH: Advocacy is about trying to grow the community and I think that's pretty much over these days.
PG: Do you have an OS/2 wish list?
AH: Yes. Multiple input queques . . . [and] a dynamic device driver model.
PG:Any parting thoughts?
AH: Come to Warpstock Europe. Very much can be achieved by people who do something. If you really achieve a lot, you can really earn a lot of respect in the community for doing things. I hope that more people realize they can do something. The community should get more active.
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